Silly, Foolish, Irrational

I love you

How silly is that, I know you are sitting there miles away from me.

I love you

I will never really know you, I know you are hidden away from me

I love you

I will never see you, I know you are more than you say you are

I love you

How foolish am I, I know you are nothing like you seem

I love you

I will have my fantasies of you; I know in my mind you are better than you are

I love you

I will have my memories of you; I know you are only kind to me because it is a game

I love you

How irrational is that, I know you tell me things you want me to hear to play to my ego

I love you

I will hold you near and dear to me; I know you are not of my ilk and you will only hurt me

I love you 

I will hold you close to me; I know you will never allow it, still it doesn’t change

How idiotic am I, I know you will cause me nothing but pain and sorrow, still it doesn’t matter

I love you
No matter how silly, foolish or irrational
I love you