Four Short Stories - Update

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. I hope you all had a good week, and for those out there who celebrate, I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Today I thought I would share an update with you all, that over the next couple of weeks I’ll be releasing four short stories. They will only be available on Amazon (for $.99), or you will be able to pick one of the stories for free when you sign up for my newsletter.  The reason for me doing this is twofold. First, I want to try my hand at self-publishing. The second reason is because I want to have some short stories I can offer up for people to sample my writing, and if I have complete control of these stories then I won’t have any issues or conflicts in using the works as I wish.

As for the short stories, I will be releasing: LandsEnd, The Old Road, Election Night, and Nightingale’s Heart. Each story will be its own eBook. Recently I finished putting these books through the editing process, which I’m happy to say ended up quite painless. I have two covers complete and two more are in the works. Here is a sneak peak of the covers for LandsEnd and The Old Road.

Personally, I’m quite proud of these covers and I can’t wait to share the covers for Election Night and Nightingale’s Heart.  The talented Glenn Quigley (learn more about Glenn here) has been working with me on the covers… so you know they are going to be incredible once finished.

After the covers are completed and ready to go, I’ll be working with another author buddy of mine to get them uploaded to Amazon.

There are a lot of steps in producing these short works so the process has been a bit slow, however doing this has given me a new appreciation in how much work goes into getting a book published.

Some of you might be saying, but aren’t these stories already available? Haven’t we already gotten these stories? And yes, if you purchased any of the anthologies I’ve been part of, then you may have already read the stories, but now these works have been professionally edited, polished, and will have their own unique covers, which make them all the more special. At least I hope.

I’ll keep you all posted as I get close to the release, so you can all nab up your own copies. Until next time have a great week.