About a month or so ago I sat down and began editing ‘A New World - Conspiracy’. There was nothing special about editing that day. I was using the time to rework a couple of chapters. Anyway, as I sat at my computer I started thinking about recent world events, fate and that sort of stuff. As I edited, I heard a voice in the back of my mind.
I’ve been told hearing voices is normal for writers - it’s also a sign of madness so, you know, both could apply in my case.
Moving on. Voices and all.
This voice started telling me about himself and started telling me his story.
Me trying to listen to the Voice in my head.
I stopped what I was doing and began taking notes because what he was telling me was pretty interesting. Once he finished his introduction and telling me a bit of his story, he was gone. I was left with a page of notes and several questions.
Over the next few weeks I started putting together an outline and a basic prologue. Then I opened my trunk of characters (I keep about fifty or so various stock characters sitting around for development in my novels should one of them fit). I found a character I’ve always loved and thought would be appropriate for this new story.
So, now with some notes, a very basic outline, and a few characters I started putting things together. I came up with a premise for the story and I started tossing the idea around my writers group. I received some constructive feedback and a few suggestions. These notes and remarks helped me to focus on what I wanted to say. Also, I got a feel for what would be important to the tale. Now the story is starting to come together and I’m putting together a plan for it.
Oh, and I’ve gotten the buy in by my new main character. He seems happy with the ideas so far.
But how does this affect the other stories that are waiting in the cue to be written? That’s an interesting question. I suppose, I work in the way of the ‘squeaky wheel’ this particular story idea is one that keeps coming up. So, I know that I really want to work on this new idea, which means a few of my other stories are left on the stove to simmer.
What brings this story to the forefront of my writing list is how different it is from anything else I have planned out. And different is good. The other way I realize my new story needs attention is right now my new tale is geared to be a short story, which excites me. I want to see if I can write a short.
Also, the other interesting bit I’ve noticed about this new idea and new main character is that all my other main characters have stepped out of the way. They’ve kind of cleared the decks to make way for the new kid, which is nice of them.
I love when all my characters play nice with each other.
Anyway, that is how I work with my writing ideas and that is one example of how a new story idea comes to me. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask. I love hearing from folks. I normally get back to questions within a few hours