Media Update March 2021

Media Update March 2021

Happy Wednesday Scribblers, I hope you are all having a great week and are taking care of yourselves. Can you believe today is St. Patrick’s Day? We are a few days away from the start of Spring and I can’t believe it. I also, can’t believe we have passed the one-year mark of living with the pandemic. It’s been insane. Today I wanted to take a minute and spot light some of the amazing vlogs and podcasts I’ve been on over the last couple of months, in case you’ve missed them:

In December 2020, I had the joy of being interviewed by the amazing Wayne Goodman from Queer Words Podcast. In this 20-minute interview we talked about my books (including my upcoming novel The Called), my writing, and my life. The interview was great and Wayne is a wonderful host. I encourage you to listen to it, rate it and give it a vote. Click here for the interview.

February 2021, found me sitting back down with Baz over on the WROTE Podcast. Baz and I spent our hour talking about my upcoming release of The Called the sequel to my award-winning novel The Calling. We chatted about virtual cons and my participating in a voting themed limited anthology, A More Perfect Union. Baz and I always have a great conversation, check it out here.

The Bay Area Reporter invited me to write an Op Ed piece for their newspaper regarding A More Perfect Union and why voting is so important. The article appeared on March 3rd. The article turned out fantastic please read it here.

Most recently (March 5th) I got to hang out with life long friend (and brother from another mother) Rob, from What Up With Rob and Chris. We got to sit back and chat about my writing journey, my family, writing inspiration and I share who I would love to cast if and when my novels are turned into movies or television shows. Who knew an hour could fly by so quickly, find the conversation here.

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There are four of my most recent interviews and media events. If you want to see all my media spots and all the places I’ve shared my thoughts and opinion, you can find a full list here under my News section. You will also find a complete list of my Guest Blogs and Author Interviews I’ve done. And that is all for this week, Scribblers. Thank you for taking the time to read this and to continue to support me and my writing. Which interview or article was your favorite? Are there questions you would like for me to answer in upcoming interviews? Let me know in the comments below. Please consider sharing this post on your social media sites, it really does help, as does clicking on this little heart below. Until next time have a great week.