BayCon 2023 and Book Sale

Happy Wednesday Scribblers, I hope you are all doing well today and having a great Summer. This week I have a short up date and reminder for you. Let’s not waste time and get right into it.

This weekend (July 1–4, 2023) I’ll be at BayCon 2023, at the Santa Clara Marriott (learn more here). Not only will I be at the Lim Fic booth for the four days, but I’m going to be on multiple panels (click here for the full list and times). On Saturday, July 1st, I’ll be on the following panels:

  • First Do No Harm: Queer Science Fiction Storytelling

  • It Took Me Years to Get My Novel Published. What I wish I’d Known.

  • A Dash of Science (how much Science to put in your Sci Fi stories)

On Monday, July 3rd, I’ll be on the following panel:

  • Creating Solid Queer Characters in Sci-Fi Stories.

I’m thrilled to be on these panels, and I hope you’ll be able to come out and say hello. As I mentioned, I’ll also be at the Liminal Fiction booth in the Dealers Room for the four-day event (check out all the dealers here). So even if you don’t get a chance to come to any of my panels, you can still swing by and say hello in the Dealers Room and support all the wonderful creative and talented vendors.

Also, there is still time to get 50% off hundreds of eBooks. NineStar Press is having it’s annual Pride Sale, so hop over to their website (click here) and browse a terrific selection of queer books. This is the perfect time to refill your ‘to be read’ list. Remember to use code ‘PRIDE23’ at check out.

Well, there you go, a quick update today. I hope to see you all at BayCon 2023. Until next time, have a great week.

Two Queer Book Reviews

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. I’ve been getting caught up on my reading list this past weekend, (I still have a lot to get through) however today I wanted to share my thoughts on the two most recent stories I’ve read. The first short story is Use as Wallpaper by Glenn Quigley (click here to learn more), and the second is a novella; A Symposium in Space by K.S. Trenten (click here to find out more).

First up, Use as Wallpaper by Glenn Quigley

I Smiled the Whole Time.

This is one of those stories that keeps you smiling the entire time you read it. Sometimes you never know what you are going to get with a short story and, for me, Use as Wallpaper was excellent. Author Glenn Quigley masterfully crafted this beautiful story set in the Georgian (the country not the US State) country side. As I read I felt like I was there with Stuart and Otar. The story is charming and sweet and doesn’t go crazy with the romance elements, meaning it’s not mm porn. The adult scene is tempered to not only match the characters but the flow of the rest of the story.

If you enjoy romantic short stories this is one to add to your list. It’s also a quick read which is nice. Well done Mr. Quigley, well done.

Get your copy here.


Second for today, A Symposium in Space by K.S. Trenten

Why Did I wait so Long?

This was such a unique story and a great read. If you are looking for a fun fast read this is the book for you. What is so magnificent about this novella is that it takes a classic The Symposium written by Plato and gives it a fresh spin. Written from the perspective of women as they talk about love. The world building (or universe building) in the case of this story is top notch. K.S. Trenten takes this classic and modernizes the story for today’s readers. I definitely wanted more especially with the ending between Phaedra and Pausania. We need to see more from this author.

Pick up your copy here.


As you can tell I really enjoyed both these books, and find it disappointing that they haven’t received the attention they both deserve. Both books are published by NineStar Press (click here for more). If you want to sit back for some quality reading that you can have finished in a few hours, both these books should be on your reading list. Well until next time have a great week.

The 2020-2021 Rainbow Awards

Happy Wednesday Scribblers, what a mind-blowing week. I’m so pleased to share with you, if you don’t already know, how my books performed in the 2020-2021 Rainbow Awards. This year I entered T.A.D.-The Angel of Death (click here to learn more) and The Called (The Calling Book 2) (click here to learn more). As some of you may know, I wasn’t sure about entering the books in the Rainbow Awards this year. T.A.D.-The Angel of Death hadn’t performed as well as I had hoped and the reviews were mixed; including a DNF (did not finish) along with a scathing review of what the reader read. On the flip side, The Called had received some wonderful reviews, but again wasn’t performing as well as The Calling had. With that fresh in my mind, I decided to sit this year’s awards out.

Well, some of my readers and a few author friends weren’t having any of my worry or concern. They told me to suck it up and enter the two books and see what happens. So, I did. Then the waiting began.

During the competition, for which I was a judge again, I accepted that there were several fine books out there and prepared myself for what I believed to be the inevitable.

I was wrong and gladly so.

How did I do? You may be wondering.

This year, T.A.D.-The Angel of Death won the 2020-2021 Rainbow Awards: Gay Alternative Universe/Reality category and in the 2020-2021 Rainbow Awards: Best Gay Book category T.A.D.-The Angel of Death was a runner-up! Here are some lovely judges’ comments:

This was a wonderful story! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the angel of death and the drag queen/hairstylist’s lives, especially when it covers an entire life span (get tissues, you’ll need them). Although it covers some very tragic events in real life, they were portrayed with care. We have TAD, the angel of death, wanting to diminish the amount of death in catastrophic events which cost him his wings and to be sent to live life on Earth as punishment. Then we have Doug, who cares so much about humanity that when he meets TAD he can’t pass by without giving the smelly, disheveled man a hand, thinking him a homeless man, which he was at the time. Bringing TAD to the salon to give him a makeover, Doug then brings him home, where TAD spends years watching Doug ruin his life with alcohol and drugs. This friendship continues throughout the decades until Doug’s final days. What a beautiful tale this was. I thoroughly enjoyed this well-written story. This is also my first MD Neu book and I’m looking forward to reading others from this author.

Drag queen befriends the Angel of Death. What a great premise! I loved this, particularly the relationship between Doug and Tad and the way it developed.

As for The Called, I racked up a wonderful, honorable mention, and the book was the 2020-2021 Rainbow Awards: Gay Paranormal Romance (Runner Up). Here is the honorable mention:

If there’s something I love reading in a story is action, mystery, drama. Add vampires to the mix and exciting plot, fantastic writing, and I’m happier than a pig in a mud pit. This book has all the above and then some. It’s the type of story that once you start reading, you can’t put it down, thus staying up until 5AM this morning and had to finish it once I got up. This is the third book I read from MD Neu and I can assure you, it won’t be my last. I loved Neu’s writing style, the world-building where it feels like you’re actually there, living the drama. The characters are amazing. The setting is simply fabulous, and the plot, well, read above. I highly recommend this story to those who love Vampires. Well done, Neu. Well done.

There you have it, T.A.D.-The Angel of Death joins Contact (A New World, Book 1) and Conviction (A New World, Book 2) as category winners and The Called joins The Calling as a Runner Up. I couldn’t be more pleased. What I learned from this entire experience is that I can’t let the negative voices drown out the positive voices. If I would have sat this year’s Rainbow Awards out, I would not have won or been runner-up and I would have continued to doubt the worth of, not only my writing, but the worth of both these wonderful books.

To celebrate, my publisher, NineStar Press, is offering 30% off all the winners and runner-up’s books in the 2020-2021 Rainbow Awards. NineStar’s Authors had an amazing showing in this year’s competition, so please click on over (click here) and check out all these wonderful books and support these authors and our publisher.

Until next time, have a great week.

Top Ten List-What’s Your Tribe?

Happy Wednesday everyone. I hope you’re having a wonderful week. Today I’m pleased to share with you fellow NineStar Press author Eddie Newton. Eddie lives in Florida and enjoys few things more than the beach. An accomplished author, he received the Robert L. Fish Memorial Award from the Mystery Writers of America for the Best First Short Story. Eddie’s newest novel Truth to Light is available now everywhere books are sold. His new novel, Truth to Light, reveals everyone on Earth isn’t necessarily human. Many of the population live under an enchantment called the Great Dream. But the world is much wider than most people think. There are twelve tribes equally divided among the people of the planet.

What’s your tribe?

  1. Humans: Everyone dreaming the Great Dream sees themselves as a Human.  It is the easiest form to enchant. But most people are living a lie.

  2. Angels: Winged seraphim are real enough in the Wider World. Nigh immortal with fantastic powers, they alone are allowed to procreate with another tribe. A child born of an Angel and a Human is called a nephilim.

  3. Fauna: Talking rabbit? A tea-sipping dormouse?  Grinning Cheshire cat? This isn’t Wonderland. A family of anthropomorphic animals could be living right next door to you!

  4. Demons: They aren’t the evil entities as portrayed in fiction. This tribe of horned entities with prehensile tails and indigo skin has gotten a bad rep from historians. They simply tell the terrible truth.

  5. Time: The rarest tribe features a patriarch named Kālá, the embodiment of history itself. He and a few offspring are all that remain of this endangered tribe.

  6. Ghosts: These ephemeral entities flicker at the edge of agelessness. This mostly incorporeal tribe shares a special affinity with nature. They are deeply attuned to the energies of the universe.

  7. Golems: Earthen lifeforms made of soil and detritus are rooted deeply to the land. Golems are ponderous creatures at one with the Wider World itself.

  8. Extra-Terrestrials: This tribe has voyaged to the stars and back, nomadic explorers who push the cosmic boundaries beyond the Wider World.

  9. Genii: With oversized craniums and wild hairstyles, the caricature of the Genii have been used to personify mad scientist characters throughout countless works of fiction. They have boundless intellect and an insatiable curiosity for new technology and invention.

  10. Magi: The people utilizing the enchanted energies of the Wider World have been branded through history as wizards and witches. Enchantment is real, and ten percent of the world can access real magic.

So which tribe are you? Wondering what the other two tribes could possibly be? Find Truth to Light today and get ready to be enlightened!


Thank you so much for stopping by today, Eddie. I can’t wait to read your book and learn more. Do you have questions for Eddie? Leave them below and I’ll be sure to have her swing by and answer them.

Want to read some more of my Top Ten Lists, check these out:

Top Ten List - Give Way (click here)

Top Ten List - Top 10 Facts about Concussion and Contentment (click here)

Top Ten List - Top Ten things about We Cry the Sea (click here)

Top Ten List - Top Ten List-Mr. Sticker (A More Perfect Union) (click here)

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Eddie, and learning about the wonderful new world he has created. As always like this post, so I know I’m providing you content you enjoy. If you know folks who may appreciate this new story, go ahead and share this post and help spread the word. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week.

About Truth to Light:

What is she willing to sacrifice to hide the truth?

Sofía Hernandez has been looking for her truth all her life. She was adopted as a baby and never knew her birth parents. She was assigned male, and that wasn’t the truth either. So when she gets a phone call from someone offering to clear up the mysteries in her life, she starts on an adventure that leads to revelations she can hardly believe are true.

Sofía’s birth sister reaches out and reveals a world full of greater mysteries than Sofía ever could have imagined. A secret organization called the Illuminati created a universal lie about the population of Earth, concealing the true nature of the world. The Illuminati hides the real Wider World behind a magical glamour, concealing the existence of ghosts, aliens, monsters, angels, demons, and more.

Truth to Light is a novel that explores what it means to be true to yourself and what truth can mean to different people. Sofia is a transgender woman who must deal with changes both within and without. Her transformation will need to accommodate not only her own identity, but the very nature of the world around her.

Buy Truth to Light:

Get your copy at NineStar Press here.

Find the book here on Amazon.

About Eddie Newton:


Eddie Newton lives in Florida and enjoys few things more than the beach. An accomplished author, he received the Robert L. Fish Memorial Award from the Mystery Writers of America for the Best First Short Story. His previous works include Horrorfrost, a chilling tale, as well as several published short stories. Eddie spent a year traveling the continental United States and found something intriguing everywhere he went—this country is an amazing and fascinating place. His heart is his family and he couldn’t do any of this without his wife Treina and his amazing kids Kobe, Gage, Oliver, and Bennett.

Where to Find Eddie Newton:

Find Eddie on Facebook here.

Find Eddie’s Blog here.

NineStar Press

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. I realized this week that I talk a lot about writing and the writing process, but I have spoken little about the publishing house that publishes a majority of my novels. Today I want to talk about my publisher, NineStar Press.

About NineStar Press (taken from their webpage):

Count the first nine stars you see on nine consecutive nights, and on the tenth day, you will find your love…

Welcome to NineStar Press. We’re a boutique publisher of quality LGBTQA romance, erotica, and literary fiction, and we’re located in New Mexico, USA.

NineStar Press is an LGBTQA publisher owned and managed by LGBTQA people. We adore romance and erotic romance, but we also have an enormous interest in showcasing amazing literary works about characters less represented in fiction: ace, aro, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, bi, pan, etc. We also like genre-bending fiction, fusion genre, and stories that don’t quite fit into a particular category.


This is who they are and what they are about. But there is so much more to this publisher than the above. Here is my story:

I can’t say for sure if I found NineStar Press, or if they found me. I had submitted my debut novel, The Calling, to NineStar back in 2017. As I had submitted this story to several publishers with little success, I figured not much would happen, but as with all authors, I kept trying. As it would happen, NineStar Press had recently picked up one of my good friends and now fellow author. He sent me a note asking if I have submitted anything to them as they were looking for additional works. I told him I had. And he said he would let his editor know. No promises, of course.

As luck would have it, his editor liked my manuscript, and I received my first contract with NineStar Press. I still remember that day as Eric and I were driving home from Southern California.

That is how I got into NineStar Press, but that isn’t why I’m still with them.

NineStar Press is a small publishing house with hundreds of authors and if I were to guess thousands of books, still that doesn’t take away from the quality work they do. Each manuscript goes through several rounds of editing and proofreading to ensure the work is as good of a story as the novel can be (sure you may find the odd typo here and there, but even the big publishing houses have that happen). You also get to work with some of the best cover artists around. I’m not joking. Check out the work of both Natasha Snow Designs and Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs they are both incredible and their covers have won many awards.

One of the other benefits of working with NineStar Press is that they have a Marketing and Promotions contract with IndiGo Marketing & Design who can assist all the authors with launching services (at a discount) as well as additional marketing material designs and collateral. This is especially helpful, if you are like me and don’t have a strong graphics design skill set.

Even though NineStar Press is a small publishing house, they do offer additional publishing services. They can assist you in getting your book(s) turned into audiobooks and recently they are working with a Spanish Translator to get their authors books translated into Spanish.

All of these services take time and nothing happens overnight (as I mentioned, they are a small publishing house) but it’s good to know that NineStar Press offers several of the same services as the large publishing houses. As authors we are always looking for ways to make our jobs easier, so all the efforts NineStar Press takes in that direction are greatly appreciated.

One of my favorite things about NineStar Press is that when I have a question or concern, they are there to respond and answer my questions and assist me when they can. Obviously they can’t do everything or make miracles happens but I appreciate all the work they do for me (and for my fellow authors).

Also, NineStar Press isn’t only all about their authors, they are also all about their readers. If you preorder your books through the NineStar Press website, you will typically get the book a couple days early, which is amazing! They also have a rewards program where you receive points for leaving reviews and buying books. These points can be used to receive discounts on other books, which is a great perk especially since the points save you money when you buy direct from the publisher.

Are there other publishing houses out there? Yep. Will I possibly submit future stories to these other publishing housing? Perhaps, however, as for my current plans, I’m thrilled to call NineStar Press my publisher and I’m excited about what’s coming next. If you want to learn more about NineStar Press, including their submission guidelines, find out more here.

These are a few of the amazing authors who have books published by NineStar Press and are authors you should check out. Click on their name to learn more:

Liz Faraim – Contemporary Fiction Author

J.P. Jackson – Urban Fantasy and Horror Author

Glenn Quigley – Historical Fiction Author

Valentine Wheeler – Contemporary Fiction Author

Ava Kelly – Fantasy Author

B. Rourke – Romance Author

SA Collins – Fantasy and Contemporary Fiction Author

Matt Doyle – Speculative Fiction Author

L.A. Ashton – Fiction Author

Kay Doherty – Romance Author

Andrew J. Peters – Romance Author

Casey Wolfe – Urban Fantasy Author

Schuyler L’Roux – Romance Author

Damian Serbu – Urban Fantasy Author

Sarah Elkins – Horror/Thriller Author

K.S. Trenten – Fantasy Author

Sara Codair – Young Adult Author

Riina Y.T. – Romance Author

Todd Smith – Contemporary Author

Gillian St. Kevern – Contemporary and Urban Fantasy

That’s all for today. Until next time have a great week.

Stitches and Sepsis by Liz Faraim

Happy Wednesday everyone this week I want to say a big hello to fellow NineStar Press Author Liz Faraim. Liz is an amazing author of Lesbian fiction and her latest novel Stitches and Sepsis (A Vivian Chastain Novel- Book 2) has just come out. Today I want to share a little about this wonderful book and author.


Stitches and Sepsis 1.jpg

Book Blurb:

Adrenaline addicted veteran, Vivian Chastain, confronts the man who has been following her for days, only to find he has a message of dire consequence for her. Spurred into action by his news, she barrels head on into a tumultuous and violent series of events. Stoic and stubborn as always, Vivian lands in the hospital, fighting for her life.

During Vivian’s lengthy recovery, her partner is released from jail and the two reconnect, stoking up the flames of their toxic union all while Vivian dives into a blossoming relationship with a new love interest who offers fulfillment and love, if only Vivian can figure out how to allow it all in.

Vivian learns that the coast is not clear as former threats return and continue to endanger her. While she cannot rest easy; friends, her work crew, and customers at the night club where she tends bar provide her with much needed fun, comradery, and support.

Vivian wrestles with her temper, her penchant for physical violence, and her overwhelming emotional baggage. Struggles from within and without threaten her existence, and in the moment when death is just a breath away, Vivian’s brother shows up and changes everything.


There you have it, something new to add to your reading list. Also find Liz Faraim on social media and keep up to date with everything he is up to. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week.

About Liz Faraim:

Liz F..jpg

Liz is a recovering workaholic who has mastered multi-tasking, including balancing a day job, solo parenting, writing, and finding some semblance of a social life. In past lives she has been a soldier, a bartender, a shoe salesperson, an assistant museum curator, and even a driving instructor.

Liz lives in the East Bay Area of California, and enjoys exploring nature with her son.

Where to contact Liz Faraim:

Find her on Twitter here.

Reach her on Facebook here.

Check out her website here.

Where to buy Liz’s books:

Find them on Amazon here.

Get your copy from Ninestar Press here.

Stiches and Sepsis cover.jpg

Top Ten things about WE CRY THE SEA

Happy Wednesday everyone this week I want to say a big hello to fellow NineStar Press Author Glenn Quigley who hails all the way from Northern Ireland. As many of you may remember I had Glen on a while ago to talk about his amazing novels the Moth and Moon and the sequel The Lion Lies Waiting, both are fantastic reads find the interview here and pick up the books here. Today he is here to share his Top Ten List for his new novel We Cry the Sea, The Moth and Moon, Book Three hitting bookshelves on March 15.


We Cry the Sea New Release.png

Pirates! Something referenced during the first two books in the MOTH AND MOON series, pirates take centre stage in this book. In the real world, the golden age of piracy ended about sixty years before the events of my book but that’s the beauty of fiction writing — we get to craft whatever world we want. I don’t want to spoil what happens but it starts with a daring raid and escalates from there.

Love Triangle! A newcomer arrives in the village and sets his sights squarely on Duncan. Who’s the other man in Duncan’s life? You’ll have to wait to find out.

Pinch! One of the most fun aspects of wiring this story was expanding the role of Arminell Pinch. First seen in book one (The Moth and Moon) as an unnamed tavern girl, she has a much larger role in this book. We get to find out about her family connection to the Moth & Moon, too. (Her mother’s name is one of the best I’ve ever come up with!)

Vince! Robin’s hulking older brother arrives with a bang and makes a lasting impact. Exploring how a surly, sullen, violent ex-criminal fits into gentle island life was a ton of fun to write. Vince made his first appearance in book two (The Lion Lies Waiting) and as soon as he appeared on the page, almost fully-formed, I knew he’d have a larger role to play.

Skinny-dipping! Bathing suits weren’t a thing in the 18th century. Certainly not with men. And certainly not with budding lovers…

Swords! It wouldn’t be a pirate story without some swashbuckling action and a light dusting of swordplay. One sword in particular was a joy to design. Wait until you see how the pirate queen uses it…

Flags! Who doesn’t love a good pirate flag? There are three prominent flags in this story, all of which you can now buy on t-shirts by clicking here.

The skull and cogs is also used as the scene break icon in the print edition of WE CRY THE SEA. The Sea Bear (Pirate King) is the logo I designed a few years ago for my own website and I cannot tell you how happy I was I realised I could use it in this story!

Map! Most of the action in my books takes place on a fictional island called Merryapple and at long last, I’ve drawn a map of it. It will appear in the print edition of WE CRY THE SEA and will also be available on my website. I had some rough sketches to work with, from back when I was writing the first book, and I’ve always tried to remain consistent with landmarks on the island. I resisted making an official map because I didn’t want to be tied down in terms of what is and isn’t on the island but it felt like the right time for one now. I spent a lot of time working on it and to finally have the village and the whole island all laid out is a real thrill for me. There are some places on the map which haven’t shown up in the books yet, but may well do in future stories, and some nods to my family and friends.

Robin! I’d be remiss if I didn’t list burly gay fisherman Robin Shipp as one of my Top Ten! He’s the hero of my novels and the voice I’ve been listening to in my head since I started writing about him in 2017. A big, cuddly, loveable, well-meaning oaf, I absolutely love writing him. Knowing that some readers love him as much as I do means the world to me.

The Moth & Moon! The inn at the heart of these books. The place I want to visit more than any other. Exactly as big as the story needs it to be, exactly as welcoming as you want it to be, The Moth is a place unlike any other. Did you know the name came to me in a dream, years ago? I made a note of it because I was certain it would be useful someday. I had no idea how it would come to shape my life. The Moth’s story began in the year 1401 and for all we know, it’s still standing today. That’s a long life. That’s a lot of stories…


Thank you Glenn for coming over and chatting with us today. Check out Glenn’s new book available March 15th. Also find Glenn on social media and keep up to date with everything he is up to. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week. 

About Glenn Quigley:


Glenn Quigley is a graphic designer originally from Dublin and now living in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. He creates bear designs for The Moody Bear (click here). He has been interested in writing since he was a child, as essay writing was the one and only thing he was ever any good at in school. When not writing or designing, he enjoys photography and watercolor painting.

Where to contact Glenn Quigley:

Find him on Twitter here.

Reach him on Facebook here.

Check out his website here.

Where to buy Glenn’s books:

Find them on Amazon here.

Get your copy from Ninestar Press here.


Top Ten List-Give Way with Valentine Wheeler

Happy New Year and happy Wednesday Scribblers. I hope your New Year is off to a positive start. This week I’m excited to bring back author Valentine Wheeler to share their Top Ten List about one of their main characters Awais Siddiqui in their new book Give Way (released on January 4, 2021 find it here). As a reminder, Valentine is a Queer Romance, Fantasy and Science Fiction author who is published through NineStar Press (learn more here). Also, Valentine is part of Wizards in Space Literary Magazine (learn more here). Let’s get started.

Give Way features some of Valentine’s favorite things: baked goods, big queer communities, old friends who like to give you shit, and postal workers! In the meantime, let’s get to know one of the main characters...

Ten Packages Awais Siddiqui Delivered this Holiday Season

  1. The first package he delivered in Swanley after his transfer. A big box of books, nearly 40 pounds, to Jolene McGonnigal at 61 Tremont Street, two houses down from his aunt Fatima’s house. Jolene hadn’t seen Awais in thirty years, but when she opened the door she smiled at him, called him by name, and welcomed him back to Swanley. (Of course, she’d then asked him if he could carry the box all the way inside, and her cat had nearly killed him by winding between his ankles as he navigated her narrow hallways with a gigantic package. But she’d given him a signed copy of The Fifth Season in thanks, since she ran the signing events at Turkey Creek Books in her spare time. The book had made him cry, but it was worth it.)

  2. A slightly-battered small parcel from Egypt addressed to Rana Wahbi at 36 Tremont Street. She clutched it to her chest and thanked him so graciously when he handed it over that she halted him in his tracks. She told him it was her grandfather’s journal, something a cousin had found while clearing out old boxes of family detritus, and it had almost been thrown away. And then she promised him a free sandwich next time he stopped by her restaurant.

  3. A small, neatly-addressed box with nearly $40 in postage and a signature required addressed to Michaela McNamara over on Dighton Street. She opened the door, took one look at the sender’s address, and shook her head. “Nope,” she said. “He knows exactly where he can shove it.” She handed him the package, then disappeared back inside the house, leaving Awais standing on the porch. He still didn’t have the full story, but he really, really wanted to know what the hell that was about.

  4. A package to 77 Billerica Drive, addressed to Latify Thibeault on December 1. He doesn’t remember the package specifically, other than that it was small and square and nothing out of the ordinary about it, but when he opened the mailbox to stick it inside, he’d found an envelope. He went to toss it with his outgoing mail, but then he noticed the writing on the front: To Awais, our substitute carrier. Welcome back to Swanley, and thanks for the deliveries :) Love, Latify and Henri. He’d had to take a long moment to pull himself together after that one–they must have called the office to get his name, worried their regular wouldn’t share his tips with him. It was an act of generosity he hadn’t expected.

  5. A small, dense, tightly plastic-wrapped box to Anthony Sullivan at 17 Chestnut Street that smelled overwhelmingly of pot. Hey, if it made it this far, Awais wasn’t one to judge. He left it on the porch wrapped in a SORRY YOUR PACKAGE WAS DAMAGED bag, just to give the guy a little a reminder that the mail might not be the best way to get this particular kind of package–especially since the return address was just a few towns over in Needham. Maybe next time he’d drive his federal crimes instead.

  6. A small white padded mailer to Scotty Pillon at 14 Milton Avenue, Apartment 1. Scotty–who owned route 16, the one Awais liked covering most because it had a nice long section of close-together houses with mailboxes right on the street–opened the door just as Awais opened his mailbox to drop the parcel in. He’d handed it to Scotty instead, sharing a brief smile at the irony of the encounter, and moved on to tuck Lucy Smith’s mail in the box for the upstairs apartment. When Awais turned back toward the door, Scotty had ripped open the package and was clutching its contents, standing stock still.

    “What is it?” Awais asked, and Scotty turned toward Awais to show him a bright, bold They/Them pin. Awais clapped them on the shoulder and grinned. “For work?”

    Scotty nodded.

    “I’ll get a He/Him,” said Awais. “Solidarity.”

    Scotty swallowed hard and nodded again. “Thanks, man.”

  7. A long, thin package with a bent end that was obviously a hockey stick to David Shapiro at 144 Pond Road. When his mom Lila opened the door and called him down to sign for it–which, though not technically allowed since he was ten, was adorable–he’d barrelled down the stairs, gasped, and said to Lila, “A package for me? What’s inside it?” The look of sheer parental doneness Lila had given Awais was worth the whole two hours of overtime he’d just worked.

  8. A rooster, express mail to 93 Old Medfield Road. It rode up front with him, and the thing made terrifying dinosaur noises the whole time. Awais wasn’t afraid of birds. He just had a healthy respect for them. A very healthy, very distanced respect. And honestly, he’d rather not ever share a vehicle with one again. The baby chicks? Fine, small, cute. The full-grown version? No thank you.

  9. A holiday gift box of fancy pears, apples, and oranges to Windmere Bakery. The kid behind the counter had torn the box open and immediately offered Awais his choice of fruit. Awais, who’d forgotten his lunch at home, enjoyed the world’s most perfect pear on his walk to his next stop at the Cairo Grill, where Rana Wahbi gave him the promised free shawarma. That was a good day.

  10. One small brown box to 210 Washakum Ave Apartment 8, because the man who’d taken it from him–cute, flustered, very dapper–had blushed, given him a helpless up-and-down look, and immediately, accidentally declared his singleness. Awais is pretty sure nothing’s going to beat that one.


Thank you so much for stopping by today, Valentine and congratulations on the new book. I’m looking forward to reading Give Way and learning more about Awais and the other characters in the story. It was great having you. Do you have questions for Valentine? Leave them below and I’ll be sure to have her swing by and answer them.

Want to read some more of my Top Ten Lists and learn about some great authors and their works, check these out:

 Top Ten Vloggers I follow, click here.

Top Ten List with Abigail de Niverville, click here.

Top Ten List with Schuyler L'Roux, click here.

Top Ten List with Jacqueline Church Simonds, click here.

Top Ten List with Kay Doherty, click here.

Top ten inspirations for Taking the Plunge by J.B. Reynolds, click here.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know more about Valentine’s character Awais Siddiqui.  Please remember to drop me a heart/like letting me know you stopped by. If you want to help support me and Valentine, please consider sharing this post on your social media platforms to help keep the conversation going. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week. 

About Give Way:


Kevin McNamara’s post-retirement life is… fine. He has friends, a few consulting gigs, and an ex-wife he’s finally on good terms with. But when he meets an intriguing stranger–a rarity in close-knit Swanley–he can’t stop thinking about the hot mailman or the unexpected attraction that knocked him flat.

Awais Siddiqui never thought he’d want to come back to his childhood hometown, but when his grandmother falls ill, he’s the only one who can help his aunt keep an eye on her. Awais figures he’ll be back in the city soon enough–but then a silver fox on his route catches his eye.

Can Awais deliver the spark Kevin’s been missing?

Buy Give Way here on Amazon and here from NineStar Press.

About Valentine Wheeler:

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Valentine Wheeler (she/her) lives outside Boston with her spouse and child and spends her days chasing mail carriers and citing obscure postal regulations. She goes by Lis in meatspace and her life's ambition is to eat the food of every country.

Find her on twitter or goodreads and her work at Ninestar Press and the Future Fire. She also serves as Fiction Editor and Logistics Manager for Wizards in Space Literary Magazine, as Logistics Wizard and Managing Editor for Mermaids Monthly, and as a slushreader for various genre publications.

Where to Find Valentine Wheeler:

Twitter: @ghostalservice

Interview with Author Glenn Quigley

Happy Wednesday everyone this week I want to say a big hello to fellow NineStar Press Author Glenn Quigley who hails all the way from Northern Ireland. As many of you may remember I had Glen on a while ago to talk about his amazing novels the Moth and Moon and the sequel The Lion Lies Waiting, both are fantastic reads find the interview here and pick up the books here.


Welcome back Glenn. It’s been way to long since we’ve had a nice sit down. Now before we get started please tell everyone about yourself (something not in the bio):

After years of thinking about it but never doing it, I was in the middle of finally learning how to swim when the lockdown happened. So as soon as I can, I’m getting back into a pool and hoping I can remember how to float. 

What have you been doing since the last time you were here?

I’ve finally given in and bought myself an easel for my charcoal drawing and you know what? It’s great. I should have bought one years ago. I held off because I thought it would take up too much room but its fine and makes me feel like a proper artist. Next up, a beret.

I’ve written book three in my Moth and Moon series and I’ve started book four, which is going to be a prequel. So I guess that makes it book zero?

Last time you were here, I mentioned that you were not only a writer but also an artist. Tell us about your art?  When did you start drawing? What was your inspiration? Do you only do graphic design?

I’ve been drawing since I was a very young child. I’m a comicbook fan and my school books were filled with doodles of my own superhero characters. (And eyes. Everyone drew eyes, right?)

My mother is an artist and taught me a lot about painting and encouraged me to pursue art (and writing). We took some art classes together in the local library, too, which led to me having work displayed in the National Gallery in Ireland. I tend to bounce around with different mediums. Currently, it’s charcoal, which I hadn’t used since I was a teenager. I really love it, especially for portraits. My graphic design work these days tends to be mainly t-shirt design for The Moody Bear find them here and I’m currently working on a whole new range in a whole new style, so watch this space. 

Do you do contract art? Say if someone wanted to have you draw their characters from one of their books?

I actually did do some bespoke art for a novelist. I ran a Twitter competition where the prize was to have a character drawn. The winner was Kristin Noone and she chose Oliver from her novel A Prophecy for Two. It was a fun experience and I’d definitely do it again. I take commissions so maybe I should think about reaching out to authors.

Okay, tell us about your writing I know you have your two amazing books out right now, so what’s coming up next? Sequels? New stories? What?

The next book is the third in the series that began with The Moth and Moon and it sees someone getting shipwrecked on the island and revealing some shocking news that sends burly fisherman Robin Shipp on a perilous journey alone across the ocean. I can’t reveal any more at the moment, but it’s the biggest book I’ve written so far and I’m excited to get it out there.

All of your books are more or less historical fantasy, have you thought about a different genre? What genre would you love to write, but you haven’t gotten around to writing in it yet? Or does the idea intimidate you too much? 

I’m a huge sci-fi fan so I think that will be my next genre. I actually had an idea the other night for a story that I’ve been fleshing out. It’s quite an intimidating genre to jump into but I think it could be fun. I think the trick it to tell myself that no one else ever has to read it, so that way I can just relax and get into it.

Last question, what is the one thing you would love readers of you books to be left with? What message do you hope readers will walk with?

I hope that people are left with a sense of what the world could be like if we abandon our prejudices. I hope it makes them see the world a little more kindly.


Thank you Glenn for coming over and chatting with us today. Check out Glenn’s amazing artwork and don’t forget to read his books. Also find Glenn on social media and keep up to date with everything he is up to. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week. 

About Glenn Quigley:


Glenn Quigley is a graphic designer originally from Dublin and now living in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. He creates bear designs for The Moody Bear (click here). He has been interested in writing since he was a child, as essay writing was the one and only thing he was ever any good at in school. When not writing or designing, he enjoys photography and watercolor painting.

Where to contact Glenn Quigley:

Find him on Twitter here.

Reach him on Facebook here.

Check out his website here.

Where to buy Glenn’s books:

Find them on Amazon here.

Get your copy from Ninestar Press here.


Interview with Liz Faraim

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. Today it is my great pleasure to share with you new author Liz Faraim. Liz was recently pickup by NineStar Press (learn more about Ninestar press here) and will have her debut novel coming out latter this year entitled, Canopy. Without further ado, let’s get to know Liz and learn more about her upcoming novel.

Welcome Liz, I’m so glad to have you here on my blog.  Your bio is below for folks to read, so why don’t you tell us what’s not in the bio, by way of an introduction. 

Thank you so much for having me on your blog, and hello to the Scribblers out there. Hm, something about me that is not in my bio… I was born on Long Island, New York but did most of my growing up in the Sacramento Valley of California. I am an Analyst by trade and am very organized and methodical in that work, but when it comes to writing I am a full blown pantser and I do not plan out my manuscripts at all. I just sit down and start writing, and am just as surprised as the rest of you about what happens in the story.

Tell us about your debute novel and the series to which it has spawned? 

Canopy is about a woman who is re-entering civilian life after a stretch in the military. She has a full plate between going to college, starting a new relationship, and working as a bartender. Just when she starts to get into a good groove, she walks up on a vicious crime taking place and her whole life goes sideways. 

From the beginning I knew the story would lead to a three-book series because the protagonist, Vivian, had a lot to deal with and many adventures to share with the reader that simply could not fit into one novel.

What can you share with us about the protagonist? The antagonist?

The protagonist, Vivian, feels best when she has routine in her life. She likes to keep things simple, but simple is not in the cards for her.

The story has two antagonists, including Crystal who is a physical threat to Vivian, and also Vivian’s girlfriend, Ang, who is a bit of a rotten apple and presents an emotional threat.

What inspired you to write this story?

Inspiration for the Vivian Chastain series came from a collection of experiences and ideas that I gathered over several years. I knew I wanted to put it all into a story, so the fun part was untangling everything and turning it into something readable.

I was inspired by the early works of Michelle Tea to write the story in a first-person perspective. I have always felt so much more immersed in her stories because of the perspective, and I wanted my readers to experience that same level of immersion.

What have you enjoyed the most about the writing process?

I know this is not so much about the “process”, but my favorite part about writing has been meeting other writers. I discovered a vibrant and generous group of local authors who have been incredibly supportive. They welcomed me in as a fledgling, and I hope to be able to pay it forward someday.

Like many writers, I know you have a day job. How has your day job affected your writing? Or has it?

My day job cuts significantly in to how much and when I can write. There are plenty of days when I wake up inspired to write, but have to head in to the office instead. I do most of my writing on the weekends, or during the night when I have insomnia. On the weekends I wind up having to choose between spending time with friends and family, or writing. It is a hard balance. On the flip side, a previous day job gave me the inspiration for my current work in progress.

When you’re not writing, what do you like to do?

I like to play games with my son or explore the many nature areas near my home.

What can we see coming from you next?

My current work in progress is a novel titled Pinned, which focuses on main character Miranda “Randy” Cox. I’d categorize it somewhere between mystery, LGBTQ, and contemporary, with a dash of romance. 

Thank you so much for stoping by Liz. It’s great to have you here and personally I can’t wait to read your debut novel, it sounds like it should be a good read. Well, my lovely Scribblers that is all I have for you this week. Do you have questions for Liz, leave them below and I’ll make sure she swings back to answer them. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week.

About Canopy:

What do you do if you just want a simple, peaceful life? If you are Army veteran Vivian Chastain, you end up with a stalker, and fall in love with a narcissist. What could possibly go wrong? Canopy follows Vivian on her journey through both physical and emotional turmoil that threaten to break her down completely. But Vivian’s cunningness and ferocity serve her well as she tries to regain some tranquillity and stability.

About Liz Faraim:

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Liz Faraim is a recovering workaholic who has mastered multi-tasking, including balancing a day job, solo parenting, writing, and finding some semblance of a social life.  In past lives she has been a soldier, a bartender, a shoe salesperson, an assistant museum curator, and even a driving instructor. 

Liz writes contemporary fiction that highlights queer characters and often includes complex polyamorous relationships. Her writing has a hefty dose of soul searching and emotional turmoil while also taking the reader on fun adventures. She loves spending time in nature and does her best to share nature with her readers.

Where to Find Liz Faraim:

Find Liz on Facebook here.

Find Liz’s website here.

Find Liz on Twitter here.

Email Liz here:

Book Review - Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts by SA Collins

Happy Wednesday Scribblers, I hope you are all having a great week. This week I have a book review for you. I know it’s been a while, but in my defense I wasn’t reading for pleasure the last few months. I was a judge in the Rainbow Awards, so I was reading for that, and I can’t really post reviews of those books I read.  However, this week I’m please so share my review of Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts by SA Collins.

Here we go:

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I had high expectation for Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts by SA Collins as it’s an ‘own voice’ story about an alternate Earth were the Natives People of America have a promised nation of their own (this idea breaks from our own history where the Indigenous People of North America were indeed promised their own nation by the British, but in our reality it did not happen). The North American continent has the United States and Canada parceled pretty much on the eastern coast of North America, which I found exciting and wanted to learn more about (I’m hoping some of this will be explored in the rest of the planned series. There are going to be six books in all so we shall see). The author provides a map of North America as it’s reflected in the novel, which was a nice touch of detail, one that left me with more questions than answers.

As I’m a bit of a history dork (I had an amazing History Teacher in college who shared the dark side of history, the stories that most of us never hear about), so I came into the story with many questions and was hoping for all of them to be answered, but of course, that wasn’t the nature of the novel. I had to put my expectation aside. Regardless, I was looking forward to seeing an Indigenous Persons perspective on this kind of Fantasy story, what I got was not what I expected. I believe that to be a good thing. The author did not beat the reader over the head with their agenda nor their bias. Yes, they had one, we all do. But instead of taking the opportunity to tell a story where the evil cis gender white men destroyed an entire culture and people the author took a path I was grateful for, they told an epic fantasy story about good and evil with characters that were engaging and wonderful to read. None of them were perfect and they all had their issues. This book was the set up for the series, but even with that, there is a lot of info that the author left out and I pouted a bit when it was finished.

In a way, this story reminds me a bit of the first novel Eye of the World in the Wheel of Time series by the late Robert Jordan.

The main idea of this story, as I see it, is taking the legends and myths about a people many of us hardly know anything about and having an adventure exploring those myths. This is something the author does exceptionally well and I would love to read more about.

Could I sit here and nit-pick the story for being too wordy at times, and not wordy enough at others, of course, but that is a style choice of the author. It is there story to tell, so I will not pick apart how they choose to tell it.

If you want to read an epic fantasy story and learn a bit about the mythology of Native People then this is a must read. Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts by SA Collins is heart fully thought out and well written. The deep dive into the character and their every thought can be a bit of a slog, but it’s manageable. I’m definitely looking forward to the sequel.

And there ya go, Scribblers my review of Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts by SA Collins. Go out and buy the book (click here) and remember to like this post below (click on the heart and show me a little love, I’m needy like that) and please help spread the word by sharing this blog post on your social media platforms it really does help and I greatly appreciate all the love and support you send my way. Got a question leave it below in the comments or you can email me at Until next time have a great week.

New Decade New Year. Happy 2020


Wow it’s 2020, who would have thought we would make it this far, yet here we are, despite all the negativity and doomsday prediction. I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season and got to relax and enjoy. If you haven’t noticed I took a few weeks off to relax and refresh. I don’t think I feel that relaxed or that refreshed, but it was worth the shot.

This week I thought I would look back at all that occurred over the last decade… well maybe not everything, but definitely at my writing career and maybe I’ll peek into what’s ahead.

Back when 2010 started, I was wrapping up the first draft of what would eventually become the first two books of my A New World series, Contact and Conviction (find Contact here and find Conviction here). To say that draft was rough would be an understatement. It would take fourteen more drafts/revisions and nine more years before the book release and recent win as the 2018-2019 Rainbow Awards for Best Gay Alternative Universe/Reality & Sci-Fi / Futuristic novel (check out the details here).

In the early 2010s, I had no real idea what I was creating or what I wanted to do with A New World (what I called Contact and Conviction at the time). I had thought about maybe someday having A New World published, to see what happens, but I never thought it would become much. I also didn’t believe my writing would become anything either. So, much of the early 2010s I muddled along and wrote off and on.

Around 2015 I got this idea of a vampire novel, something different, something that I hadn’t seen before. I spent a whole lot of time playing the ‘what if’ game. What if vampires had to live in our modern society. How would vampires adapt with all our technology; cell phone, camera phone, social media, etc. I spent a lot of time playing with those ideas. What started as an idea for a story took shape and turned into The Calling (find it here), which after three years would become my debut novel released in January 2018 and it would go on to come in third place in the 2018-2019 Rainbow Awards for Best Gay Debut novel (check out the details here).

In early 2017 I had finally polished The Calling enough to where I felt comfortable in sending the manuscript to publishing houses for consideration. Up to this point, A New World wasn’t ready for anyone to look at. I was more confident with The Calling, so I started shopping it around. I received more rejections then I care to remember, but in May 2017, I got an offer by NineStar Press (learn more about the publisher here and check out all the other amazing authors) to publish The Calling.

It was an amazing day. If felt like winning the lottery.

After that initial offer by NineStar Press I dug back into A New World as well as worked on two short stories that I thought might be fun. One was The Reunion (check it out here) and the other short story was A Dragon for Christmas (find it here), both short stories were published prior to The Calling to build up buzz for my debut novel. The Reunion came out in Oct 2017 and A Dragon for Christmas came out in December 2017.

Between 2017 and 2019, I began work on my author platforms. I created a website, started a Facebook Fan Page (find it here), added a Twitter account (follow me here), began playing around with Instagram (click here) and Youtube (find it here), all in a vain effort to allow myself and my new works to be found. Additionally, I got to know several local and out of the area authors, several of whom I’ve interviewed here on my blog. During this period I’ve had the honor of being interviewed on Outlook Video (find the video here and here, I was on the show twice). In addition, I’ve had an article written about me in the San Jose Mercury News (check it out here), I’ve been on the WROTE Podcast multiple times (find me here), as well as The Writescast Network (check it out here). Divine Magazine did an article on me talking about my writing and my Dyslexia (you can find it here). Howmetown Authors published a piece I wrote titled, “Marketing and Public Relations” (find it here).

Sadly, during this time, my family had some trying times. We lost my father-in-law Jim in December 2017. Also, my sister was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 losing her fight to this awful disease in September 2019. These losses were difficult and made what should have been exciting happy moments bitter sweet.

In 2018 while these good and bad things happened to me and my family, I continued to write, I worked on the edits to A New World cutting that one story into two novels; Contact and Conviction. Also, I went to work on my novella T.A.D.-The Angel of Death (find it here), which was released in September 2019 about the same time as when my sister passed away.

Through these last ten years it has amazed me how much my life has changed and how blessed I’ve truly been despite the bad times.  When I glance into the future and wonder what these next ten years are going to bring, I can only hope I’ll be equally as blessed.

What I do have planned in 2020? First, a few author friends and I will be launching the Bay Area Queer Writers Association (BaqWa) (you can find our landing page on Facebook here) to bring our works forward to the greater Bay Area and hopefully beyond with public readings and showing up at local events. Also, I’ll be releasing the sequel to The Calling tentatively titled The Called. I have finished the third installment in my A New World series, book three, tentatively titled Conspiracy. I’m hoping Conspiracy will be released either at the end of 2020 or early 2021. Currently, I’m writing a new fantasy adventure book about a lost continent. Along with all of that, I’m working on lining up more readings and interviews as well as perhaps being a guest host on a podcast. Lastly, I’m looking at some other media opportunities.

Well, my lovely Scribblers remember to like this post below (click on the heart) and please help spread the word by sharing this blog post on your social media platforms it really does help and I greatly appreciate all the love and support you send my way. Got a question for leave it below in the comments or you can email me at Until next time have a great week.

Three Year Bookaversary! The Reunion

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. As I touched on last week this is the three year anniversary of my novella The Reunion. This short little ghost story was what wet the appetite of readers and introduced me to the reading community. Before my debut novel The Calling came out, The Reunion was picked up by my publisher NineStar Press and released as part of their Halloween Anthology. It was an exciting moment for me. I had never done anything like this before and it was a huge step outside of my comfort zone.

I remember worrying that no one would buy the eBook. They did. Then, I was worried Readers would hate the story. They didn’t. Then, I was terrified people would hate me and my writing. Luckily that didn’t happen either.

As of this posting The Reunion is:

21st on Goodreads List of Short Reads

295th on Goodreads List of Best Gay Paranormal Book

183rd on Goodreads List of Best M/M Novellas, Short Stories

I really couldn’t be more pleased with how well this wonderful novella has done. Okay, well if they were number one that would be pretty freaking cool.

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Anyway, today is The Reunion’s third birthday so how about going out there and picking up a copy and showing it some love. It’s less than $3 for the eBook and it’s a fun read that will get you into the Halloween Spirit for sure. Buy your copy from one of the many online retailers here. Do you need more convincing? Click here for the reviews.

Here is the story blurb:

It’s been twenty years since the quiet Midwestern town of Lakeview was struck by tragedy. But every year on the anniversary of the event Teddy returns home for ‘The Reunion’. Lakeview, like Teddy, has secrets and not all mysteries should come to light.

If you’ve read The Reunion and want to help celebrates its third birthday, share this link below and tell your friends and family all about it and why you love Teddy and his friends. What’s your favorite ghost story? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time have a great week.

T.A.D.-The Angel of Death Book Launch

Happy Wednesday Scribblers, today it is my honor to announce the launch of my newest novel T.A.D.-The Angel of Death.


Tad loves bouncing around in time and watching mankind grow and change. He loves humanity and helping when he can. However, his job isn’t conducive to helping people.  He’s an Angel of Death.

Doug is fun loving and a drama queen.  Despite his witty exterior, he has a dark history and is prone to self-destruction. He’s also an amazing drag queen and hairstylist with big dreams.

When Tad pushes the boundaries of his duties too far, his angel wings are stripped away from him, and he is sent to New York City to live as a human. Lost and alone he ends up meeting Doug, and the two start a friendship that will shape them both and last a lifetime.  But nothing is simple when you’re dealing with a former Angel of Death and a Drag Queen. Could these two cause the fabric of our world to collapse or will they manage to keep the future as it should?

Here is an Excerpt from chapter one:

Doug glanced up at the big void where the buildings once stood.

How could anyone do that? All those people, and for what? Thank God, no one I know was there. Thank goodness, Garret’s train was running late. Even from across the river, seeing the buildings fall, one minute there, the next not, awful. Not knowing if Garret was alive or dead. The not knowing was awful, and it seemed to last forever. Then getting his call when the phones were back up. It was a relief. Still, the not knowing? Horrible. How do survivors do it?

Doug shuddered. He had to look away before he started to cry again. That day. The world wasn’t the same. How could it be? Would it ever be the same again? He swiped at his eyes, keeping the tears he was trying to hold back from dropping. He caught his reflection in one of the storefront windows and fussed with his spiky blond hair.

One year.

The months right after the attack had been hell for everyone. People from all over the world sent support and offered help. But New York was moving on, as it should. They already had seven different architects offering new designs to fill the empty skyline. Mayor Giuliani was doing everything he could for the city, and there was even talk of him running for president.

Doug checked his flip phone and picked up his pace. He was running late. He shouldn’t have spent the night at Tim’s, but leaving such a sexy guy was no easy task. Not to mention they might have partied too much.

I doubt that is even possible. You can never party too much.

There was a large group of mourners, and he had to step to the side to let them pass. He took a deep cleansing breath, pushing all thoughts from his mind, and started walking again. He rushed past the families and friends heading to Ground Zero. Now he had to hustle to make it to work. He’d gotten lucky no one he was familiar with was killed. Still, every time he thought about the attack and looked up at the twin lights filling the night sky, he wanted to cry.


Why President Bush didn’t blow up the whole of the Middle East after the attack, Doug would never understand. Instead, the president sent troops to Afghanistan, searching for Osama bin Laden and taking out Al-Qaeda.

Just as long as they find and kill the monsters who did this to us.

Doug couldn’t help but stop again and glance up to where the twin towers once stood. He quickly wiped at his eyes. “I need to get out of here.” He moved over to the brick façade and leaned against the wall as more people passed him, heading to the memorial ceremony.

“So much suffering and for what?” Doug mumbled. He started walking again, taking a deep breath and trying to avoid the crowds. A woman in a dark jacket passed him and bumped his shoulder, causing him to step closer to an alley. She didn’t bother saying anything; however, Doug thought she said something about his size. He caught his reflection again. He hated how everything made him feel so fat. Nothing he wore looked right on him. Even the baggy pants still made him look fat and messy. He would need to start at the gym if he wanted to continue dating Tim and keep up with his partying. He frowned.

At least I have good hair.

He played with the spikes of his hair.

“It’s my fault,” a gruff voice whispered from behind him.

Doug startled and turned around, but no one was there. He glanced over to the dumpster.

Sitting there, a raggedy black man, with kinky hair in desperate need of a cut and wash, stared at him. The man had the most beautiful green eyes Doug had ever seen. The rich tones of his skin really made his eyes pop, quite possibly the unkempt man’s best feature. The man was in shambles, and tears streamed down his dirty cheeks.

The anniversary affects everyone.

“I did this,” the man groaned through his sobs. “And now I’m being punished.”

Doug wasn’t sure what to do or say. Should he walk away and get to the salon? Leave what appeared to be the crazy homeless guy alone? Could he do that now that they made eye contact? Could he do that today of all days? The man needed help. The man needed a shower and clean clothes. Perhaps, if he talked to him, that would be enough…well, the talk and ten bucks.

That’s what Shannon would do. Talk to him and give him money. Shannon was such a kind soul, and I need to be more like him, more like he was. To honor him. Just like my drag name. Maybe Miss Enshannon needs to be more. I need to be more.

Doug’s heart ached at the memories of Shannon and how wonderful he was. When he picked his drag name there was no doubt on what it would be, but to honor someone you loved had to be more than using their name.

“It’s not your fault.” He knelt close to the man, still keeping his distance just in case. “It was the work of terrorists. They killed all those people, not you.”

“I should have stopped them. I should have done more,” the dirty man moaned.

“Oh, baby, no one could have done more,” Doug offered. Some people thought the government knew about the attack beforehand and the president allowed it to happen. Doug didn’t buy it. Why anyone listened to these people was beyond him, but they did. He just wished they would shut up and crawl back under the rocks they came from. They weren’t helping anyone, and in the long run, their remarks and comments only hurt people more.

“Now, I’m being punished. They sent me here and took my wings,” the man whispered.

Was this guy a pilot? Oh, that would be awful. I bet he was supposed to fly one of the planes, and he couldn’t take it. Survivor’s guilt.

“No one is punishing you. Look, it’s a tough day for everyone. We all feel like we should have done more.” Images of the planes flying into the towers and then seeing and feeling them collapse; even at the Paul Mitchell campus on Staten Island, they were affected. I really need to call Garret. Doug pulled out his flip phone and checked the time. “I’ve got to get to work.” He stopped and peeked at the crowd of people passing by and then faced the guy. A bright smile filled his face.

I know what I’ve got to do. A makeover. Help this guy out.

“You want to come with me? We’ll get you a shower and give you a cut. My girl Minx knows all about your hair type. It’ll be fun.”

What the hell am I doing? I must still be drunk from last night. Or affected by what Tim and I took. This guy might kill me. No. He’s sad, and on a day like today, someone needs to be nice to him. Plus, I’m a big enough guy I can take him…

Doug extended his hand.

I hope.

“You want to help me?” The man glanced around at his filthy surroundings.

Doug nodded. “Sure. Why not?”

“Most people ignore me. Some people give me money, but they rush by.” The man’s voice was filled with surprise.

He stood and Doug took in this guy’s build. Strong shoulders, even if hidden by a disheveled brown shirt and coat. Doug got a whiff of the funk that enveloped the man. It was a mix of… Doug didn’t want to think what, and he pulled back.

Definitely a shower and some new clothes. These are getting burned.

“Well, not today.” Doug dusted off his pants. “I work at a salon near Washington Square. You know it?” His face got warm. “Anyway, we can walk there and get you all cleaned up. My boss won’t mind.”

Or at least I hope not. Nah, the bitch owes me for helping him with his makeup the other night at the club. What a show that was. I killed it.

“Thank you.” The man beamed a bright pearly smile, in contrast to the dirt on his face and clothes. His teeth and mouth were probably the cleanest part of him. What’s more, there was no foul odor coming from his mouth.

Good oral hygiene. I’m not even sure that is possible, given the state of him, but thank the lord.

“What’s your name?” Doug asked as they weaved through the crowd, people giving them a wide birth. “I’m Doug.”

“I don’t have a name.”

Doug froze. “What?”

“I don’t have a name.” The man met Doug’s gaze with his big eyes and innocent face. “They used to call me…” His gaze dropped to the sidewalk.

“What?” Doug stood watching him. A tall man with a goatee hit his shoulder as he passed. “What did they used to call you? Can’t be any worse than what they’ve called me.”

The dirty man faced Doug. “They used to call me the Angel of Death before they took my wings.”

Doug let out a nervous laugh as he glanced around. There was a break in the stream of people.

Great, this guy is crazy, and I’m stuck with him. Good job, dumb ass.

Doug shook his head, studying the sky.

This is all Shannon’s fault. I should have kept walking. Everyone tells me not to make eye contact with the homeless. Why didn’t I listen?

Doug cleared his throat. “Well, we can’t call you that. How about Angel?”

The man shook his head.

“Well, I’m not gonna call you Death, no matter how cool it sounds,” Doug teased as they walked again and got to the intersection. They crossed the street, ignoring the odd looks they were getting. He was used to odd looks. He had been getting them his whole life. People needed to suck it. “Oh, I know. How about Tad?”


Doug smiled. “Short for ‘the Angel of Death.’ Well, that would be Taod, but that sounds dumb.”

The man shrugged.

“Tad it is.” Doug’s mouth grew into a smile and warmth rushed through his body that wasn’t there this morning. It was nice. Doing something good for someone on a day like today felt like a good call. Even the stench coming off the man seemed to lessen. Maybe the man didn’t smell bad after all. Or maybe I’m getting used to it. Gross. As long as he doesn’t go all batshit crazy, he could deal with the smell, which would be fixed soon enough. He hoped.

They picked up their pace and walked in silence. Doug wasn’t fully sure why he was doing this. Was it because today was such a hard day? Was it his small way of acknowledging that we all need help sometimes? Was it because the world was a massive shit hole and he wanted to make it a little better? Was he doing it for Shannon? Shannon had been so kind and sweet, never having it easy. At least Doug passed for straight, when he wanted to, which wasn’t often these days. And forget it when he was onstage with his big blonde wig, big red lips, and big old fake titties. Hell, this might even be fate for all he knew.

Fuck it, who cares? I’m fierce, and Tad’s gonna be fierce.

Doug pulled open the door to the salon. “Hey, girls, I have a project,” he announced in his loudest, most over-the-top voice possible. “This is Tad, and we’re gonna make him fabulous.” He snapped his fingers and everyone in the shop froze and stared at them.


There you have it, a brief excerpt from T.A.D.-The Angel of Death. I hope you liked it. T.A.D-The Angel of Death is available in both eBook and print. You can pick up your copy either here at my publisher or from all other retailers here. If you live here in the US and would like a signed copy you can order one directly from me here.

Feel free to check out the reviews here.

Well Scribblers, that all for this week. If you want to help me out, please share this post with your friends and families who are readers, or who love urban fantasy stories. Don’t forget to live this post below. Until next time have a great week.

Interview with Author Damian Serbu

Happy Wednesday Scribblers it’s not very often I get to chat with another author of vampire books, so this week I’m thrilled to have fellow Ninestar Press author Damian Serbu here on my Scribbles’ Page for a nice sit down and chat. So grab a glass of redand sink your teeth into this interview.

Welcome Damian, before we get started why don’t you tell us something about yourself. Something not in your standard bio.

I fell in love with vampires in high school! I had no idea at the time, but it seems pretty clear in retrospect that their double nature and secretive lives appealed to my closeted self.  When I was introduced to Anne Rice a few years later, I became even more enthralled with vampires than ever before. The Louis/Lestat relationship mesmerized me. What else to tell you? I love to travel! Paul (my husband) and I go all over the place. This summer, we’re heading to England for a week, and next year to Paris for a week to celebrate our 25thwedding anniversary. Almost all the places where I’ve been end up in my writing at some point or another. It’s a fun way to relive a favorite destination and share it with other people. Plus, having been there helps make it come alive when I write about it.

Yes, I would totally agree. I do that as well.  I pull in places I’ve traveled too, it makes the story all the more real. After reviewing your works and reading your bio and all that good stuff. I see that you are a fellow writer of vampire tales, what is it that has drawn you to not only writing about vampires, but also what has drawn you to writing in general?

I was drawn to writing because stories filled my head that demanded to get out. Honestly, I resisted it for a long time. I am a historian by training, which is so opposite fiction it’s like night and day. But I always read fiction for fun – to rest my mind from the scrutinizing of primary documents and facts, of what the past teaches us. In the midst of that relaxation, I started to imagine stories and eventually felt compelled to dabble in writing novels. Which led to publishing, and away I went! As for vampires – I just find them sexy! I enjoy all sorts of horror, but to charge it with a different kind of physical allure fascinates me. Plus, you can delve into something deeper with vampires by altering their fear of mortality, as opposed to humans. And finally, I know they play into a fantasy of mine that strips away fear. Growing up and coming out came with a fear to it; of rejection, of physical assault, of uncertain futures. Vampires overpower people and seldom experience that fear, so it’s fun to jump into their lives.

I agree. Let’s talk vampires, what mythology did you use? Did you create your own from start to finish or did you pull from various sources enhancing where you needed to?

I think I would say all of the above! I basically threw out the old stereotypes and fears, stuff about crosses and mirrors and such, moving toward the more contemporary vision of vampires as similar to humans, in terms of good and bad vampires, vampires with tons of emotion. Anne Rice influenced me in terms of how powerfully her vampires feel. But I also wanted a world of my own making, and so made stuff up as I went along.

Anne Rice is definitely the God Mother of vampires and I think we all pull a little something from her writing. Now, something else that caught my eye is your take on Santa that is definitely a much darker telling of Santa, so what is the story behind that series? It almost seems a bit tongue and cheek, is that what you were going for, or am I miss reading it?

Lol – it is totally tongue-in-cheek! (Side note – it is also completely unrelated to my other vampires, with its own legends, stand alone nonsense, etc.) Nothing in those books should be taken seriously, and readers should be warned that the humor is extremely juvenile. Though I also wanted some darkness, some pretty intense horror to scare people. I used to joke around about my theory that Santa was really a vampire, to amuse and annoy people during the holidays. Then I got to thinking that we horror fans need more books to enjoy during the holidays, when everyone else wants to read ‘happily ever after’ stories. Into my head popped Simon, the elf who tells the tale, and away I went. So yes, it’s supposed to be funny and scary and ridiculous.

I figured it had to be something like that.  I’m sure that series will make a fun, dark, holiday read. Also, you have several out of print novels right now, are you looking at editing them and bringing them back? Or have you moved on from them and they are lost to history?

I am definitely working to get the vampires back out there! NineStar has re-published two of them, and I am working on a couple others with the hopes it will publish them, and therefore complete my vampire series. The Vampires Angeland The Vampire’s Questare books I and II of my vampire series (reprints), while The Vampire’s Protégéis book IV (original to NineStar). So, you see, I really want to get book III out there! As for my other stand alone novels that are out of print, I’m not sure what their future holds.

I see that you are a member of the Horror Writers Association (HWA), how has this affected your writing career?

It’s been fun to engage with other horror writers, for one. And actually, I joined them a long time ago and participated in their mentor program. My mentor helped with my first novel and my writing so much! HWA also provides a publicity platform and information about the publishing world that really helps me. It’s a fun organization that connects readers and writers, too.

Sounds like an organization that all horror writers need to check out. Moving from writing to personal, when you’re not writing what do you and your husband enjoy doing? 

I already mentioned that we travel, so there’s that. We watch movies and hang out with friends a lot, as well as spend as much time as possible with family. We’re wine enthusiasts – he’s especially a wine snob, but because he is I get to drink good wine, too. We’re avid Cleveland sports fans, so watch a lot of the Browns, Cavaliers, and Indians. And hang at home with the dogs. Plus we both like to read.

Speaking of dogs, you have two, one named Chewbacca and the other named Akasha, and you say they control your life how so? Also, I have to ask, Chewbacca, does this mean you are also a Star Wars Fan? If so is Chewbacca one of your favorite characters?

They control life because EVERYTHING revolves around them! They demand attention, for us to maintain their routines, and we comply. Akasha especially needs lots of attention, and expects that we stop everything to adore her whenever she wants. The idea is really about how much we love them and make life about them all the time. And yes – I am a HUGE Star Wars fan! I have loved Chewbacca since episode IV first came out in theaters! He was my very first action figure. Obviously I associated him as being Han Solo’s dog, so I liked him best.

That’s awesome. So, what are you currently working on? What will be seeing from you in the future?

I have two projects getting most of my attention these days. First, speaking of out-of-print books, I am working on a major overhaul and redo of Secrets in the Attic, because the main character becomes a main character in Book III of my vampire books. And I am writing away on my fifth vampire book in the series, tentatively titled The Vampire’s War

Sounds great. Is there anything else you’d like to mention?

I want to express my appreciation for your having me stop by today! It’s been fun to chat with a fellow vampire enthusiast and hang out for a while, as well as a fellow NineStar author!

You are welcome anytime.

I want to thank Damian for taking the time to stop by and chat. It was great leaning more about you and your writing. Remembers Scribblers if you love Dark Fantasy or Vampire Stories check out Damian’s books and don’t forget to share this post with family and friends who may enjoy his works as well. If you have questions for Damian leave them below and I’ll ensure he swings by to answer, or you can find him on Social Media, see the links below. Until next time have a great week.

About The Vampire’s Angel and The Vampire’s Quest:

In The Vampire’s Angel, as Paris devolves into chaos amidst the French Revolution, three lives intertwine that will either throw each person into complete chaos or save their very soul from the turmoil swirling around and within them. Xavier, a devout priest, struggles to hold onto his trust in humanity only to find his own faith threatened with the longing he finds for a mysterious American visitor. Thomas fights against the Catholic Church to win Xavier’s heart, but hiding his undead nature will threaten the love he longs to find with this abbe.  Xavier’s sister, Catherine, works with Thomas to bring them together while protecting the family fortune but falls prey herself to evil forces. The death, peril, and catastrophes of a revolution collide with a world of magic, vampires, and personal demons as Xavier, Thomas, and Catherine fight to find peace and love amidst the destruction.

The Vampire’s Questbrings back the beloved gay vampires, Xavier and Thomas, in the anticipated sequel to The Vampire’s Angel. In 1822, the Archangel St. Michel orders Xavier to go on a quest to America, a quest that violates the Vampire Council’s laws to the point of a possible death sentence. Worse, Xavier must abandon his lover, Thomas. Xavier runs to his aging sister and pleads for Catherine’s help as Thomas races after them. With Thomas and the Vampire Council vying for Xavier’s soul, Xavier and Catherine struggle to obey the former priest’s divine calling before their inevitable capture.

Where to Buy Damian Serbu’s books:

For Vampire’s Angel click here.

For Vampire’s Quest click here.

For Vampire’s Protégé click here.

 For Santa’s Kinky Elf, Simon click here.

 For Santa is a Vampire click here.

B-W Headstone 1.jpg

About Damian Serbu:

Damian Serbu lives in the Chicago area with his husband and two dogs, Akasha and Chewbacca. The dogs control his life, tell him what to write, and threaten to eat him in the middle of the night if he disobeys. He has published The Vampire’s AngelThe Vampire’s Quest, andThe Vampire’s Protégé, as well as Santa’s Kinky Elf, SimonandSanta Is a Vampirewith NineStar Press. Keep up to date with him on Facebook, Twitter, or at

Where to find Damian Serbu: 

For Twitter click here.

Find him on Facebook here.

Guest Blog by Author Sarah Elkins

This week I’m pleased to have Sarah Elkins here my Scribbles Page as she shares with us her journey in the writing world and gives us insight into her new novel The Facility. So without further ado, Sarah Elkins.

I have always daydreamed. A lot. As a kid I'd be going about my school day while at the same time, in my head, I was having adventures with characters from books or T.V. shows that I liked. I don't remember exactly when it was that I realized the shows and books I enjoyed had all started as stories inside someone else's head. When that thought occurred to me, however, my mind was blown. I could share the weird stuff I imagined with other people, if I could just figure out how to translate the pictures in my head into words.

In middle school I wanted to be a film writer. I wrote down one of the adventure stories I had going on in my skull as a script. It was over three hundred pages of pink jelly pen scrawlings detailing the exploits of characters loosely based on myself and friends. There was even a talking car and the main character was a were-dinosaur of sorts. I'd ask friends if they wanted a character in the story and what super powers they wanted. Anything went. It was a blast. I even made some storyboards for the script to better visualize what was happening in it. In high school I still wanted to be a writer and researched what it would take to work in film. It was before indy films were big so I researched the screen writer's guild for a project. I was absolutely heartbroken to learn how much it cost to be in it. I was from a lower middle class family. I wasn't sure how I'd get to go to college much less how I could afford to move to California and pay to be a writer.

I started to think of other ways I could tell stories and it dawned on me. I could just work on my own and write them. I could draw them as comics or write them as novels or do both. I hadn't taken an art class since middle school and had a bad experience already in high school regarding the art class there. The short version is the art students were in charge of selling valentine's candy. I knew no one would buy me one so I bought one myself so I wouldn't look like a loser when they delivered them. My candy didn't arrive. I insisted I knew I was supposed to get one because I bought it and had to go to the art room and show them where I signed up. Needless to say I felt miserable and didn't want to register for art class my last two years of high school even though I had free periods. I wound up just hanging out in the nearby park by myself. Is it any wonder I spent a lot of time in my head daydreaming growing up?

I decided to learn how to draw comics on my own and started posting a very poorly thought out fancomic on the outside of my locker in the school Band Hall. (It was the only place my school even had lockers.) I learned a lot from that little comic. When it came to writing prose I worked on a fantasy horror book at night using an old lap top my family had gotten at a pawn shop. I put each chapter in its own file. Part way through writing the book I asked my English teacher if I would get extra credit for writing a novel. She said yes and I was so excited I finished the book well before the end of the year. I wanted to turn it in early enough that she'd have time to read it. Only she didn't. I didn't get the extra credit and to my knowledge she didn't even look at the files.

I was heartbroken.

For years after that I thought I had no business writing prose. I focused on learning how to make comics. How to write them. How to draw them. I dated another artist I knew from online. Things didn't work out with the relationship but I learned a lot from them. Mainly, I learned that their opinions of the ideas I wanted to execute in my writing were contradictory to what they wanted to do. I'd mention a webcomic idea and they'd shoot it down insisting I do a pitch to a company. I knew I didn't have the experience to finish a comic for a company. I didn't even finish the pitch. I tried that several times. They didn't seem to like my ideas regarding prose either but I experimented with that anyway. Eventually I posted a few chapters of a story online and showed them to a friend who had just sold his first book to a publisher. That friend said I should stick with prose and not give up. I was super excited and filled with a bit more confidence. But I knew I had a lot more to learn.

Still I focused on comics. I worked as a professional flatter (comic coloring assistant) for eight years until my right arm hurt too much to hold a pen. I couldn't even feed myself with it. It was constant pain any time I tried to move it. I had to quit work. The remains of the relationship with the artist I had dated (who I had tried to remain friends) with evaporated. It was more than half a year or so before I was able to see an orthopedic surgeon who knew what was wrong with my arm and how to treat it. During that time I dusted off my little netbook computer and wrote on a story to deal with the pain and stress of suddenly having no future.

I wrote draft one of The Facility with my left hand.

I can't remember if I finished the rough draft before or after I started to recover use of my right hand. My memories are a bit fuzzy due to the pain and lack of sleep. I know at one point I didn't sleep for a week, then broke a toe and didn't realize it because the pain of my arm was so severe I just couldn't feel anything else. I don't think I was able to use my right hand until I was already hammering away on the second book, now titled The Hunt, which will hopefully be out later this year from Ninestar Press. Looking at the timestamps on the earliest drafts of The Facility I finished it while smack in the middle of my arm problems. I queried it to literary agents and publishers. Sending out queries was one of the jobs I gave myself so I had a purpose. When queries didn't come out well I worked to rewrite the book. After being diagnosed and learning how to deal with my ever ossifying elbow tendons I wrote a different book and serialized it on Patreon.

The Facility is a story in which I recycled some characters from those early pink jelly pen adventure scripts I wrote as a kid. I replaced the concept of the main character being a were-dinosaur with her being a were-Tesla. I tossed in ideas from the failed comics I had attempted over the years. I poured my stress and anxiety and pain into it to give myself a future in a time when I thought I had none.

It's a book I felt I needed to tell myself to distract myself from the pain and fear of the future so I'd survive and also a book I wanted to share with others. The Facility is rough. It's no perfect first book. The characters, particularly Neila the protagonist, are messy and anxious. The plot builds slow and then things happy quickly. In that way it echoes the damage done to my arm. There were signs something was wrong for years. Signs I ignored. Until everything came to a head and it felt as if I had been stabbed. My muscles were red and swollen. It hurt to make a fist. It hurt to sleep without it on a pillow. It hurt to sleep with it on a pillow. I didn't sleep much.

The things that got me excited to be a writer as a kid, the idea that I can share my constant daydreams with strangers, and the things that got me excited to be a writer as an adult, that I could help someone else escape whatever they were going through when they read my work, are very different. Both are ever present in my mind. Psychic Underground: The Facility was born of both those reasons for writing. I am proud I finished the book and prouder still that it's found a place in print and in the hearts of readers. They may be few but they are dear to my heart. Thank you if you've read the book, and thank you if you choose check it out. No matter what I go through, I will not stop writing because it means I can continue to create worlds and have adventures even when my body betrays me.

Sarah, thank you for sharing your personal journey with us. I’m so glad you persevered and continued writing, it’s an inspiration to everyone who has a dream. Never give up your dreams and they won’t give up on you. Well Scribblers, I hope you enjoyed this week’s author spotlight. Remember to like and share below, especially if you know people who may enjoy The Facility. Until next time have a great week.

About The Facility:

Being psychic is just another aspect of life for Neila Roddenberry. So are dreams of a past life as Nikola Tesla. She's sure the last part is the result of reading the wrong mind at the wrong time without realizing it. neither are things she talks about much. Her friends know she's psychic, but no one knows about the dreams. She's twenty-three, asexual, and unemployed with ambitions to become a freelance artist and writer.

On the way home from visiting friends, Neila gets caught up in a terrorist attack, then wakes up in an underground psychic testing facility. Raised by a doomsday-prepper father, Neila is unusually prepared for the possibility of being whisked away to a secret lab somewhere. When she is faced with the choice of working for the scientists studying psychics at the facility, she takes the job as both an agent and a test subject.

But not everyone in the facility wants to be there.

Where to Buy The Facility:

Get it on Amazon here.

Get your copy at NineStar Press here.

Get it on Barnes and Noble here.

About Sarah:


Sarah Elkins is a freelance comic artist and writer who nearly had to give up art entirely due to a form of ossifying tennis elbow that forced her to be unable to use her dominate hand for nearly a year. She spent much of that time writing novels with her left hand as a means to deal with the pain and stress of possibly never drawing again. Thanks to a treatment regime she is able to draw again albeit not as easily or quickly as she once did.

Sarah enjoys reading science fiction, horror, fantasy, weird stories, comics of every sort, as well as any biographical material about Nikola Tesla she can get her hands on (that doesn't suggest he was from Venus." She has worked in the comics industry since 2008 as a faltter (colorist assistant,) penciler, inker, and colorist. She contributed a comic to the massive anthology project Womanthology. Currently she (slowly) produces a webcomic called Magic Remains while writing as much as her body will allow.

Where to find Sarah:

Find Sarah on Twitter here.

Check out her website here.

Find her on Facebook here.

Top Ten List with Abigail de Niverville

Happy Wednesday Scribblers this week I’m pleased to have fellow NineStar Author Abigail de Niverville on my Scribbles Page to do a Top Ten List for her debut novel, I Knew Him. Without further ado let’s get to the question.

What are ten things about Julian that make him unique and an interesting character that readers will be excited about?

  1. Julian lives in a small town called Riverview, which still exhibits a lot of backwards notions. It makes it difficult for him to decide if he wants to come out.

  2. He doesn’t like being the centre of attention, mainly because that gives more opportunity for people to speculate things about him.

  3. His star sign is Aquarius, and he definitely embodies certain traits. He runs from his emotions, he finds it difficult deciphering those of others. But he’s also very adaptable in different situations and with different people.

  4. He has a lot of constellations memorized.

  5. His parents are divorced and he’s having trouble unpacking his feelings surrounding his father’s absence in his life.

  6. He’s not very talkative and prefers the company of people who give him space to speak instead of demanding information out of him.

  7. He bought his car off someone’s front lawn.

  8. Though there were other signs he found in retrospect, Julian first began wondering about his sexuality when a boy kissed him at a party a couple years before the beginning of I Knew Him.

  9. He loves action movies and sci-fi, though he might not be willing to admit that to everyone.

  10. He throws a lot of his energy into school instead of dealing with his problems.


In his senior year of high school, Julian has one goal: be invisible. All he wants is to study hard, play basketball, and pretend he’s straight for one more year. Then, he can run away to university and finally tell the world he’s bisexual. And by “the world,” he means everyone but his mom and best friend. That’s two conversations he never wants to have.

When he’s talked into auditioning for the school’s production of Hamlet, Julian fears that veering off course will lead to assumptions he’s not ready to face. Despite that, he can’t help but feel a connection to this play. His absent father haunts him like a ghost, his ex is being difficult, and he’s overthinking everything. It’s driving him crazy.

The decision to audition leads Julian on an entirely different path. He’s cast as Hamlet, and the boy playing Horatio is unlike anyone Julian has met before. Mysterious and flirtatious, Sky draws Julian in, even though he fears his feelings at the same time. As the two grow closer, Julian begins to let out the secrets he’s never told—the ones that have paralyzed him for years. But what will he do if Sky feels the same way?

Buy Links:

Universal Link click here

For Amazon click here

For Barnes and Noble click here

For NineStar Press click here

Author Bio:


Abigail de Niverville is an author and composer based in Toronto, Canada. Born on the East Coast of Canada, Abigail draws inspiration from her experiences growing up there. When she’s not writing frantically, she also composes music and holds an M.Mus from the University of Toronto.

Find Abigail here:


Twitter: @adeniverville

Blog Take Over by Matt Doyle

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. This week we are shaking things up. I’ve invited fellow NineStar Press Author Matt Doyle to drop by and take over my blog for the week. Matt’s going to share about himself, his writing, and his amazing series The Cassie Tam Files. I’ve had the pleasure of starting the series and I can’t wait to see what Matt has to share with us.


Hey everybody. Before we dive into my main post, I wanted to give you all a short introduction to myself and my work. Don’t worry though, I’ll keep it brief. So, my name is Matt Doyle. I was born to an Irish family in England, and that dual nationality status is something that I’ve always liked to embrace. I identify as pansexual and genderfluid, and believe me, it took a long time for me to find the right terms to fit my circumstances.

I’ve done a lot of different things over the years, including performing a duet with my brother at a charity concert and spending ten years working in pretty much every side of the pro wrestling business. I also run a pop culture website, and design T-shirts. Oh, and I created my video game at age fifteen, and intend to eventually get around to working on a new one when time allows.

I’m a published author. While I started out with a four-part self-published series, I also have three books with NineStar Press and (a fourth on the way), and have appeared in multiple anthologies ranging from Queer Sci-Fi’s annual flash fiction collections to Bad Dog Books’ furry series, ROAR.

I’m a lifelong sci-fi fan and so, while I tend to write stories that span multiple genres, there’s almost always a grounding in science fiction. I also tend to write LGBTQ+ characters in almost every story. Growing up, I was less interested in coming out stories, and really wanted to see stories about people like me who’d found their place in the world. So, my characters usually (but not always) are already comfortable in themselves and their orientation just happens to be part of them rather than a focal point of the tale.

So, that’s me in a nutshell. Today though, I want to talk a little about my current series, The Cassie Tam Files. It’s a lesfic mystery series with a sci-fi setting, and is published by the LGBTQ+ publishing house NineStar Press.

The Cassie Tam Files – An Introduction To The Themes And Characters

The World of Cassie Tam And New Hopeland City

The books are, in many ways, reminiscent of the old novels of the noir era, and have had comparisons to the works of Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett and Marele Day before now. At the same time though, that science fiction influence is still there. The story is set in the near future, and New Hopeland itself was built to be a very technology focused place. What this means is that, through the setting, you get to see some examples of potential places we could be heading with technology. Everything you see in that regard is a natural progression from where we’re at. From VR being used by businesses to tech enhanced theaters, and futuristic fursuits to theoretically plausible vampire gear, everything exists to a degree now. This just ramps it up.

So, expect hardboiled inner monologues and forays into a dingy criminal underworld, all playing alongside cyberpunk-ish science fiction elements and a slow-burn shy FF romance that spans the whole series.

Cassie Tam

Our protagonist is a PI working in the fictional city of New Hopeland, Utah. She’s a snarky, hardboiled detective that solves cases with a mixture of smarts and toughness, all the while sticking stubbornly to her rigid moral code. It’s that stubbornness that is, in some ways, both her best tool and biggest downfall in the job. Once she decides that a particular outcome is the correct one, she pursues it doggedly, no matter the consequences, which does seem effective, but also lands her in a lot of difficult situations.

Cassie is a lover of horror films. She doesn’t strictly have a preference for style; practical effects or CG, creeping dread or gore, it’s all much the same for her. Despite this love of the genre, they almost always give her nightmares though. This is something that confuses her as she’s encountered plenty of real-life life or death situations and can’t quite figure out why fiction hits her that hard. When not scaring herself silly, she’s a big coffee drinker. I’m not entirely certain that her blood isn’t ninety per cent caffeine at this point.

Despite her confidence in her abilities, and the tough persona she adopts when on a job, Cassie is not the most confident when it comes to social situations, especially romantically. She tends to keep most people at arm’s length until she knows them well, and is prone to bouts of embarrassment with prospective romantic partners. Her previous relationship ended despite neither her nor her then-partner Charlotte doing anything specific wrong, so when she starts to find herself attracted to her client in Addict, she isn’t entirely certain how far to push it. After all, if you can seemingly do everything right and still have things fall apart, that’s got to be a risk going forward too, right?

When it comes to technology, Cassie makes use of what she needs, but has a bit of a love-hate relationship with the various new things that get released. She has a particular issue with Tech Shifters as one of her first major collaborations with the police in New Hopeland was during a spate of brutal murders carried out by people in Tech Shift gear.

Lori Redwood

Cassie’s client in Addict is a Tech Shifter. This means that she uses a metal suit to roleplay as an animal in her free time, in this case a panther called Ink. The process involves an operation to insert rubber tipped plugs running from the Shifter’s head down to the base of their spine, so it’s not something that people enter lightly. It also means that Lori keeps her head shaved at all times so as to avoid hair getting tangled in the plugs.

For Lori, Tech Shifting is a form of non-sexual kitty-play that she uses to destress from the week, though there are many reasons people do it. She’s well respected in the local Tech Shift community and actually runs a regular meet for those looking to meet like-minded people. Lori works as a photographer for a local news company, and is often called upon to cover some difficult cases. For Lori, that causes some issues because she often feels like she’s not able to do enough to help people. This is something that spills over into other parts of her life too, as she has a tendency to blame herself for things that she can’t control.

In Addict, she hires Cassie to investigate her brother Eddie’s death. He was a virtual reality junkie, and the police put his death down to an accidental overdose on experience enhancing drugs. Lori doesn’t believe this because, to her knowledge, he never used drugs, and was working towards getting a career in a VR focused company. Though initially going through a whole host of emotions in response to her situation, she grows an attraction to Cassie.

Unlike Cassie, Lori is quite naturally flirty and approaches most social situations with a smile and the occasional joke. She particularly enjoys teasing Cassie when she gets flustered, but never acts in malice. She is willing though to point out when Cassie is doing something silly, like overanalyzing a situation that simply doesn’t require it, and so tends to try to keep Cassie on track rather than encourage some of her potentially negative traits. Lori tends to fall hard and fast in relationships, and is making a conscious effort not to push this too hard with Cassie as she fears scaring her off. 


Perhaps the most popular character in the series, Bert is an AI gargoyle that lives with Cassie. Familiar Units were built to act as replacements for flesh and blood pets in New Hopeland. Their durability meant that they wouldn’t get hurt when playing with heavy handed children, but would also be very good in security roles. Most units are built to take on one of these two roles exclusively, known as Family or Protector classes. Bert differs in this regard because he has a hybrid programming of the two.

The reason for this is due to Cassie’s job. She reasoned that Protector class programming would be useful for tough cases but that, as she lived and worked in a small apartment, she couldn’t have a miniature tank running about the place. The result of this hybrid programming is that Bert has a few character quirks. He’s certainly loyal to Cassie, and will rush in to save her if her life is in danger, often in a brutal manner. At the same time though, he enjoys playing and gets bored easily. This often results in him causing mild issues, such as deciding that the bag of sugar on the kitchen worktop may be an intruder that needs to be taken down. Cassie describes him as being akin to a particularly sarcastic house cat that happens to be loyal enough to protect its owner.

Bert can only say, “Caw.” Despite this, he is perfectly capable of showing a range of emotions, often including exasperation. 

Devin Carmichael

A regularly appearing and popular side character, Devin is a bit of an enigma in the city. He’s known to be an assassin for hire, but the police won’t touch him. The reason for this is that, when they can’t themselves deal with a criminal that’s committed an atrocious crime, Devin is often called in to clean up. As such, he has become strangely ingrained with the fabric of the city, working with not only law enforcement but the criminal underworld.

Like Cassie, Devin has his own rigid moral code. He understands his job and what it entails, but will not take every job that comes his way. He likes to understand not only his client and target, but the reasons for the hit, and won’t kill someone that he views as relatively innocent.

Though their roles should put them at odds, he and Cassie get along well, with Devin describing her as the closest he gets to a friend in his job. Though she’s never hired him to kill anyone, Cassie has worked with him in a number of different capacities, such as paying for information and for additional protection when Bert isn’t an appropriate option. He seems to know more than most about what’s going on in the city, at least most of the time. 

Where Are We Right Now?

The series is set to run to five books in total. Right now, the first three are already available. The details for these are as follows:

Addict – Cassie is hired to investigate the death of a local VR junkie. Though she expects it to be an open and shut case, she soon finds herself drawn into a potential murder investigation that threatens not only her life, but that of her client’s.

The Fox, The Dog, And The King –Cassie finds herself hired to find a missing dog. The case sees her not only hunting for the pooch, but also getting embroiled in a conspiracy that could shake the New Hopeland criminal underworld to its core.

LV48 – When walking home from a night out with Lori, Cassie is attacked, and wakes up at the police station. She expects help, but instead finds herself forced to act as bait to draw out an attacker with a fascination for blood. She wouldn’t mind so much if doing so didn’t mean facing down a tech-suited wannabe vampire.

An untitled fourth book has been signed by NineStar Press and is currently going through the editing process. This book collects two novellas into one. The first is told from Lori’s POV and sees her helping Cassie on a case relating to workplace harassment. The second is back with Cassie as she’s hired to deal with a stalker.

The fifth, final book will bring the previous four together and see Cassie delving into the deep secrets of new Hopeland City. I’m currently busy road mapping the book before I start writing. 

And Finally…

Well, that’s about it from me! So, here’s a big thank you to M.D. Neu for hosting me today, and another to everyone who reads my ramblings. Please do feel free to check the books out. You can find them on Goodreads, and all the purchase links are on my site.

There’s plenty more to come from me too. My current plan for what to do after I finish with Cassie is for something that I can only describe as James Bond meets Alien with a genderfluid protagonist. In the meantime, I cover a ton of different things on my site, ranging from diverse books and comics to video games and anime. I also have a webstore, so feel free to check that out too. Thanks again everyone, have a good one!

Thank you Matt for taking the reins today and sharing The Cassie Tam Files with us. I hope everyone rushes out to pick up their copy of book one and diving in on this amazing series. Now, don’t forget if you know someone who might enjoy these novels or anything else you’ve read on my Scribbles Page you can share this post by clicking the ‘share’ button below. Until next time have a great week.

Interview with Author Glenn Quigley

Happy Wednesday everyone. This week I want to say a big hello to fellow NineStar Press Author Glenn Quigley. Glenn has two amazing novels out The Lion Lies Waiting and The Moth and Moon and he is coming to us from beautiful Northern Ireland.

Before we jump in, I just want to say welcome to my Scribbles Page.

Thanks very much for inviting me along!

Let’s start off with you telling us something about yourself that we won’t see in your bio.

Hmm, let’s see. I’m a huge fan of Transformers, and have been since 1984. I trained with a paranormal investigation group and have been on ghost hunts in people’s homes, a jail, and the Belfast Opera House. Oh, and I used to make teddy bears from socks. New socks, mind you!

No way! That is so cool.  Okay, I need to focus.

I know you’re also a graphic designer and I’ve seen some of your amazing art that you’ve posted on Social Media, you are very talented, clearly being creative most be a passion of yours so what came first the writing or the art?

Oh, thank you very much! I’d say the art came first, I was always a doodler as a child, but I also read a lot. Books and comics. I was never any good at schoolwork (I hated school), except for essays in English class, which I really enjoyed. Once I left school, I kept working at my art and taught myself Photoshop and other art programs. The writing took a back seat for many years, but I would often note down story ideas and write little passages that usually never really went anywhere.              

It’s amazing how that works. I sort of did the same thing. I had all these ideas, but nothing ever came of them. Of course, the extent of my drawing is creating an amazing stick figure. So, what inspired you to start writing?

From secondary school onwards, my mother urged me to keep writing. It was always her dream to one day have a book with my name on the cover and she would regularly ask me if I was still working on my writing.

I went back to college as a mature student in 2014 to study photography and graphic design, and while the first year went really well, the second year was in a different college and it was a horrible experience. It was like being back in school. I dropped out of the course and thought I’d better have something to show for that year, so I decided to try writing a short story. When I managed that, I thought I’d try expanding it into a full novel, and it became The Moth and Moon.

Speaking of The Moth and Moon, let’s talk about your books, you have two out right now, The Lion Lies Waiting and The Moth and Moon why don’t you tell us about them.

Click on the image to buy the books.

Click on the image to buy the books.

The Moth and Moon is set in the 18thcentury and is about a burly gay fisherman named Robin Shipp who lives on a tiny island off the coast of Cornwall. One day a storm blows in and turns his life upside down. 

The Lion Lies Waiting is set four months later, and sees Robin embroiled in political intrigue, family drama and a possible revolution on sinister Blackrabbit Island.

The books are set in a world without religion, so nobody suffers any kind of prejudice for their sexual orientation or gender. I knew when I started writing the story that I wanted it to be historical fiction but I didn’t want it to all happen behind closed doors, or have characters face any hardship for their orientation. Frankly, the real world has enough of that, and I wanted an escape. I reasoned that religion was the excuse many people used to persecute LGBT+ people so if I removed that, I removed a huge stumbling block for equality.

I needed the world of 1780 (the year the books are set in) to be recognizable, but believably different. The answer I came up with was to still have the Romans invade Britain, which gave me the history, cultural impact, names, language, etc. needed to make the world recognizable, but then when their empire falls, the church goes with it. Word spread throughout the world of what life could be like if people just believed in themselves and in each other, and gradually all religion is left by the wayside. So by the time the books are set, a thousand years later, society has embraced all genders and orientations. Oh, and there’s a clockwork technology in there too, just to serve as a little reminder that this is meant to be *a* past, not *the* past.

The main characters are a mix of gay, lesbian, bisexual and straight. 

That is an interesting concept. I have heard people say work could be called historical fiction, but considering the changes your made is that a correct assertion? Why did you pick this genre to write in? 

I think given the massive liberties I’ve taken with history a more accurate label would be Historical Fantasy. I love history documentaries; I find them a great source of inspiration. I chose the late 18thcentury because I think there’s something about being on the cusp of the industrial revolution that’s romantic, in a funny way. It’s like the last few years before the birth of the modern world.

Tell us about the characters we are going to meet in these novels, are they based on real people or are they completely made up? 

They are completely made up, although Robin, my main character, has a lot of my clumsiness in him. I think, as I was writing, some mannerisms from friends and family creeped in to characters here and there, but there are no direct similarities. I based characters appearances on real people just so I could keep them consistent, but I think a lot of writers do that.

Robin Shipp is 50, extremely tall, broad, heavy, and not that bright. He’s a fisherman who lives in the little village of Blashy Cove. When we first meet him, he’s living a quiet life, ostracized by the wider community as they believe his father murdered a local artist forty years ago. He has no family, and lives alone in a tall, thin house. He has friends named Edwin, a handsome baker, and Morwenna Whitewater, an elderly neighbor who took pity on him after his father died. We also meet Robin’s ex-lover, Duncan. A short, stocky man who works as a toymaker. He and Robin have a very frosty relationship and can’t bear to be around one another. Over the course of the first book we meet the grumpy innkeeper, Mr. Reed, the married aristocrats Ladies Eva and Iris Wolfe-Chase, Edwin’s mother Sylvia (who loves to stir up trouble) and a whole host of other characters.

That sounds like a fun cast. Now, living in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, I would love to hear about your home, what are five must does if I were to ever make it over there?  

Lisburn is a small city, but it’s good for shopping as it’s so compact. It’s close to Belfast, which has lots of great bars, restaurants, and shops. Also nearby Hillsborough village is picturesque, with a lovely forest.

That sounds amazing. Ireland is on my list of places to visit so I hope to get there. Lastly, is there anything else you would like to share with us today?

I design geeky tshirts for Moodybear, so head over to www.themoodybear.comand have a look!

I have a fun little series of Five Questions with Ninestar Press authors on my website, www.glennquigley.comand I’m always happy to chat on Twitter, so anyone can contact me on there. I’d also like to say thanks again for having me on your blog!

I want to thank fellow author Glenn Quigley for stopping by today and chatting with you us about his two books. If you have questions for Glenn leave them in the comments below and I’ll have him swing by and answer them. Remember to like and share this post with your family and friends. You can share by clicking the share tab below. Until next time have a great week.

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About Glenn Quigley:

Glenn Quigley is a graphic designer originally from Dublin and now living in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. He creates bear designs for He has been interested in writing since he was a child, as essay writing was the one and only thing he was ever any good at in school. When not writing or designing, he enjoys photography and watercolour painting.

Where to contact Glenn Quigley:

Click here for his website.

Find him on Facebook here.

Find him on Twitter here.