Top Ten List-What’s Your Tribe?

Happy Wednesday everyone. I hope you’re having a wonderful week. Today I’m pleased to share with you fellow NineStar Press author Eddie Newton. Eddie lives in Florida and enjoys few things more than the beach. An accomplished author, he received the Robert L. Fish Memorial Award from the Mystery Writers of America for the Best First Short Story. Eddie’s newest novel Truth to Light is available now everywhere books are sold. His new novel, Truth to Light, reveals everyone on Earth isn’t necessarily human. Many of the population live under an enchantment called the Great Dream. But the world is much wider than most people think. There are twelve tribes equally divided among the people of the planet.

What’s your tribe?

  1. Humans: Everyone dreaming the Great Dream sees themselves as a Human.  It is the easiest form to enchant. But most people are living a lie.

  2. Angels: Winged seraphim are real enough in the Wider World. Nigh immortal with fantastic powers, they alone are allowed to procreate with another tribe. A child born of an Angel and a Human is called a nephilim.

  3. Fauna: Talking rabbit? A tea-sipping dormouse?  Grinning Cheshire cat? This isn’t Wonderland. A family of anthropomorphic animals could be living right next door to you!

  4. Demons: They aren’t the evil entities as portrayed in fiction. This tribe of horned entities with prehensile tails and indigo skin has gotten a bad rep from historians. They simply tell the terrible truth.

  5. Time: The rarest tribe features a patriarch named Kālá, the embodiment of history itself. He and a few offspring are all that remain of this endangered tribe.

  6. Ghosts: These ephemeral entities flicker at the edge of agelessness. This mostly incorporeal tribe shares a special affinity with nature. They are deeply attuned to the energies of the universe.

  7. Golems: Earthen lifeforms made of soil and detritus are rooted deeply to the land. Golems are ponderous creatures at one with the Wider World itself.

  8. Extra-Terrestrials: This tribe has voyaged to the stars and back, nomadic explorers who push the cosmic boundaries beyond the Wider World.

  9. Genii: With oversized craniums and wild hairstyles, the caricature of the Genii have been used to personify mad scientist characters throughout countless works of fiction. They have boundless intellect and an insatiable curiosity for new technology and invention.

  10. Magi: The people utilizing the enchanted energies of the Wider World have been branded through history as wizards and witches. Enchantment is real, and ten percent of the world can access real magic.

So which tribe are you? Wondering what the other two tribes could possibly be? Find Truth to Light today and get ready to be enlightened!


Thank you so much for stopping by today, Eddie. I can’t wait to read your book and learn more. Do you have questions for Eddie? Leave them below and I’ll be sure to have her swing by and answer them.

Want to read some more of my Top Ten Lists, check these out:

Top Ten List - Give Way (click here)

Top Ten List - Top 10 Facts about Concussion and Contentment (click here)

Top Ten List - Top Ten things about We Cry the Sea (click here)

Top Ten List - Top Ten List-Mr. Sticker (A More Perfect Union) (click here)

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Eddie, and learning about the wonderful new world he has created. As always like this post, so I know I’m providing you content you enjoy. If you know folks who may appreciate this new story, go ahead and share this post and help spread the word. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week.

About Truth to Light:

What is she willing to sacrifice to hide the truth?

Sofía Hernandez has been looking for her truth all her life. She was adopted as a baby and never knew her birth parents. She was assigned male, and that wasn’t the truth either. So when she gets a phone call from someone offering to clear up the mysteries in her life, she starts on an adventure that leads to revelations she can hardly believe are true.

Sofía’s birth sister reaches out and reveals a world full of greater mysteries than Sofía ever could have imagined. A secret organization called the Illuminati created a universal lie about the population of Earth, concealing the true nature of the world. The Illuminati hides the real Wider World behind a magical glamour, concealing the existence of ghosts, aliens, monsters, angels, demons, and more.

Truth to Light is a novel that explores what it means to be true to yourself and what truth can mean to different people. Sofia is a transgender woman who must deal with changes both within and without. Her transformation will need to accommodate not only her own identity, but the very nature of the world around her.

Buy Truth to Light:

Get your copy at NineStar Press here.

Find the book here on Amazon.

About Eddie Newton:


Eddie Newton lives in Florida and enjoys few things more than the beach. An accomplished author, he received the Robert L. Fish Memorial Award from the Mystery Writers of America for the Best First Short Story. His previous works include Horrorfrost, a chilling tale, as well as several published short stories. Eddie spent a year traveling the continental United States and found something intriguing everywhere he went—this country is an amazing and fascinating place. His heart is his family and he couldn’t do any of this without his wife Treina and his amazing kids Kobe, Gage, Oliver, and Bennett.

Where to Find Eddie Newton:

Find Eddie on Facebook here.

Find Eddie’s Blog here.