Watching from Above

We watch from above


They rush here and there with no concern for us from above

Their lives a dash from one distraction to another

They are dressed in little as they dance around





It’s all there for them


We watch from above

Our worlds never to meet


The world they live in, a mix of beauty and pleasure

The truth always hidden right out of sight from them


We watch from above


To be one of them is to lose who we are


We watch from above


We are dressed in more as we sit above them





It’s all here for us


We are not as free

Not as open

Not as joyful


I cast my body from the shadow

I leap to meet them

My world and theirs to become one


No longer do I watch from above

What you do for US

You watch our contempt for you

Still you protect us

We feed you our anger and rage

Still you watch over us

We hurt you with our words and actions

Still you keep us safe

We treat you worse than animals

Still you fight for us

We punish you for protecting us

Still you give us your lives

We burn it in front of you

We tell you to get out

We call you names

We throw things at you

You cry in blood, sweat and honor

You are the few, you are the proud, you are the might and you are the breath

We don’t deserve you or your service

What, Who, There Now

What do I say to you

What do I tell you

What do I want you to know

Who has the right to say to you what I can’t

Who has the right to tell you what I won’t

Who has the right to let you know what I don’t want you to know

There I tired to say to you

There I tried to talk to you

There I tried to let you know

Now I can’t say anything to you

Now I can’t tell anything to you

Now I can’t let you know

There is no longer:





The Trip


“I’m sorry I have to leave on such short notice.”

“Yes, I’m sure it’ll be lovely”

“Tell Mom and Dad I love them,

And I will miss them.”

“I hope father has forgiven me, and let

Mother know that it wasn’t anything that she did.”

“Tell them I wish I could’ve seen them before I left.”

“Well, it’s time for me to go.  I don’t want to keep them waiting,

They have a lot of work to do to get me ready.”

“I know.  I wish I hadn’t lost so much weight.  I hate being this thin,

Nothing will look good.  At least the lesions don’t show anymore.”

“I really have to go now, take care!”


“Yes, I’m sure it’ll be lovely.”


He waits

Ever so patiently.


He waits

In his chair.


He waits

Thinking of events past.


He waits.

Arms crossed.


He waits

No expression on his face


He waits

I can’t tell him anything he’s seen it all.


He waits

Wheels turning, thoughts coming and going.


He waits

I don’t know what for.


He waits…


Now he leaves

His waiting over.

The Friends

They look at each other

They both know the truth


But, no one else can see them,

At least know the true them.

He has his love

(even if he is unsure for his feelings).

The other

Also has romance.


They both hold their feelings back

Until they are alone and sure no one else can see them.

Then they are true to their hearts,

Alone they love,

In public they are friends.

No one else may find out,

It would destroy what they have worked for.


they are lovers,

But in everyone eyes

They are only friends.

Someday they may be more,


But now it can and will only be a friendship.


They still look at each other and

They both know the truth.

None may know what they have

But them.

The Climb

A small ant works hard to climb a ladder,

Which it knows it can not climb.

Every time the ant thinks it has made progress

The wind blows and pushes it back.

But still the ant tries to climb

In hopes that someday the wind will die

So it doesn’t have to climb anymore

For Joe

The world is new to you

You have so much to see


The world is new to you

You can do anything you want


The world is new to you

You have so much to offer


The world is new to you

You can be anything you wish


The world is new to you

You have so much to learn


The world is new to you

You can explore it all


The world is new to you

You have a chance for greatness


The world is new to you

You can mold it if you choose


The world is new to you

You have so much more then you know


The world is new to you

See it

Do it

Take it

Be it

Learn it

Explore it

Become it

Mold it

Share it


The world is new to you

Don’t hide from it

You Hide

You hide behind a screen

But paint your world with words; you are talented – I’ve read your work


You present such strength and power

But only with your words; you are strength – your words prove it


You have so much behind your eyes

But you don’t share it with anyone; you are beautiful – photos don’t lie


You hide behind a screen

Are you afraid, if so, of what; you are brave – your experience demonstrates it


You present us only your words

But you only go so far; you are giving – your time is your gift


You have to cross over from the door

But you stand behind the rest; you are open – I’ve heard you share


You hide behind a screen

But you never venture out; you are adventurous – pictures don’t lie


You present so much hope and wonder

But only with your words; you are creative – I’ve seen your work


You have always held back

But you can be so much more; you are hopeful – your yearnings are real


You hide behind a screen

Answers never to be found

Worlds never to be explored

Friends never to make

Love never to find


You hide behind a screen; the world is waiting

Alone in a Room

Alone in a room, the walls are soft but his heart is hard.

He sits in silence

Not a word to be said, they wouldn’t listen to his ramblings 

He sits in silence


Alone to think, madness fills his thoughts

He sits in silence


Not wanting to see the world around him, giving up a long time ago

He sits in silence


Alone to see images and colors that make no sense

He sits in silence


Not allowed to be alone, cameras and windows around

He sits in silence


Alone to hear, things said with nothing to change

He sits in silence


Not able to right so many wrongs; pills, blades, guns, more

He sits in silence


Alone to feel madness

He sits in silence


Not willing to change who he is, insanity a comfort

He sits in silence


They don’t think of him

They don’t see him

They don’t hear him

They don’t value him

They don’t feel what he does

Alone in a room he created a child, drops a quarter in the almost empty can that sits in front of him as the child’s mother pulls him back to her side as they rush by.

He sits in silence

You and Me

You are all beautiful

Your soul holds more beauty than you know


I see it all in you

I see what you turn from; I always have


I hope for nothing for myself

I hope for you to find the light you have


I want your happiness

I want you to find it so you can receive it


I give you my dreams

I give you my greatest hope for you own


You are unique

Your words are able to force me to do better 

I see for you

I hope for you

I want for you

I give for you


This is for you, take it and remember:







What to Say

Here I am writing

         What to say

         What to say


Here I am laying trying to put on paper what’s in my heart.

         What to say

         What to say


It’s not hard, a lot of people do it

         What to say

         What to say


Why can’t I think of a way to tell you what I want

         What to say

         What to say


All I can think of is this:


What to say

         About you

What to say

         About me

What to say

         About us


What to say

What to say

A Couple

Do you love me

Yes I love you.

Do you want me

Yes I want you.

Do you need me

Yes I need you.

Do you trust me

Yes I trust you.

Do you think I’m attractive

Yes I think you’re attractive

Have things changed

Yes things have changed

Have we grown apart

Yes we’ve grown apart

Have we lived

Yes we’ve lived

Have we given it our best

Yes we’ve given it our best

Have we seen it all

Yes we’ve seen it all

Do you still love me

Yes I still love you

12 O’clock

At 12:00 O’clock I’m writing these words
I’m letting you know what’s on my mind.

I can’t make promises to you
I don’t want to be like the rest.

I can only tell you what I know.

You called me your best friend,
That has never been said to me before.

You told me you love me
That has never been said to me before.

Our friendship means so much

I don’t expect anything from you other then what you are.
I can’t give you anything other then myself.

Many have said these words are too strong, they may be,
but they are what’s on my mind.

When our bodies meet there is no greeter feeling that goes through me.
It is unreal the feelings I have when we touch.

I will be by your side for as long as you want.
I will be there as your friend or as your beloved.

I can’t make any promises so I won’t.

Understand that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you,
as your friend or as your beloved.

Some have called my words too powerful; they could be,
but they are what’s on my mind.

I will respond to you in anyway we agree.

I would give you all that I have,
But all I have of any concern, is my heart.
Be gentle with it, it compares to only to the finest crystal, or the most delicate China.

Never forget these words; they come from somewhere inside me.
It is the place where all my memories of you are held.

Most important, remember these words come from:
Your best friend
And your beloved.

I will always be to you one-in-the same,
As you are to me.


You live behind a wall of truth
I live behind a wall of dreams

We speak together

We share together

You call out to me
I call out to you

We listen together

We laugh together

You reach out for me
I reach out for you

We play a game together

We plan a gathering together

You touch me
I touch you

We bend to our desires together

We burst from our desires together

You live behind a wall of truth.
I live behind a wall of dreams.

The Clock


Another moment gone…


Another moment in my life is over!
I can never regain


That time.

So then would this time be…



Can I not make each…


Moment count?

Should I even try to make each…


Moment last?


Another moment lost!

The Candle

One small candle burns alone at night
Sitting waiting for more light
The burning stick of wax sits high
and it can see other light

But the stick is trapped,
It can not move.
So forever the candle burns alone.

Waiting for the day
It will finally burn itself out,
and be away from its high and lonely sill.

Slipping Away

I feel it slip
At times I know it’s trying to leave me

I feel it slip
At times I know it has already gone

I feel it slip
At times I wonder if I will miss it

I feel it slip
At times I wonder what will happen to me

I feel it slip
At times I think I will miss its passing

I feel it slip
At times I think what will I do without it

I feel it slip
At times I want to lock it up

I feel it slip
At times I want it to be safe

I feel it slip
I feel it slip
I feel it slip

No don’t leave, don’t take your love from me.